Anyone else hate the gym?



  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I might not *love* the gym, but I don't hate it, either.

    I've belonged, in the very distant past, to gyms where I didn't feel comfortable. Now I belong to an all women's gym- all ages, shapes, sizes, colors, etc and I don't feel self conscious. I found different classes that keep me motivated & excited, made friends, and there are days I actually look forward to going to the gym to see one person or another. Of course there are days I'd rather be lazy, but I look at the big picture goal.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was told to try going for a long period of time and I have gone upwards of an hour and I still didn't stop having a hate on for the machines. Any tips on how to get started there so that I don't get discouraged? How do you work up to liking the gym?

    Thanks and good luck everyone with their own regimes!

    My suggestion would be don't just "do the machines". They are, in all reality, quite boring. I would suggest finding a good resistance training routine to try so that you can take full advantage of your gym membership instead of just walking in, putting in your time on the elliptical and walking out.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I too hate the gym! When I was a member I never went, I felt self conscious and like it wasn't making a difference no matter what I did. So, I quit and joined Kickboxing at a Karate club instead and I love it! You need to find something that you love to do, and that is fun, then you will want to go more. Trust me, good luck! :bigsmile:
  • LadyRedundantWoman
    it's not that i hate the gym, but the only times i can make it are the times that everyone else and their mother can make it. i love the classes, but they are always full. the cardio machines are always full. so what's the point. i'll stick to walking outside and exercise dvds.
  • Jolauer
    Jolauer Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a gym rat...I love the gym, but it hasn't always been that way. I try to go at least 5 days a week 6 when I can. The key for me was to start slowly so I didn't injure myself. If your gym has a trainer, get them to work with you. I go at the same time everyday, and over the years have developed wonderful friendships with the other regulars. We can encourage and support each other, and best of all, you can eat more when you exercise a lot.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I Love the gym, it's my temple put my ipod on and hitting the Iron the feeling is better then any drug I have ever had.
    matter of fact I'm headed to the gym

    stay healthly
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I didn't read all the posts but one of the things that will make you like the gym is to go and be personable. Get to meet people. The more people you meet and friends you make the more you will think of it as a good social experiance. This will make you want to go back just to see people there and you might meet a work out partner that has similar goals to you.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I am different because I only use my home gym not a commercial one. I don't really like working out with other people that much. Don't really know why?

    I definitely enjoy my sessions at home though. Looking forward to 5 O-clock when I can go home, crank some tunes, do some weights and then kickboxing :)

    I do mma classes with other people though and I love that. As was said, find something you love doing and get cracking!