Starting Strength - Looking for partners

I seem to be having trouble sticking to my goal of doing Starting Strength. It'd help if someone was doing it with me, we can check up on each other and it'll motivate me to know I've committed to someone that I'm doing it when I feel like I just have to cut corners and head to work or sleep in an extra 30m instead of working out (I normally work out first thing in the morning).

The program is 3 days a week olympic lifts. Odd weeks, it's Squat, Bench press, deadlift; Even weeks it's Squat, overhead press, power clean. I plan to do the program with a slower than prescribed weight progression - probably half of the given increments - I think that'll be plenty fast enough progression for me.

Any takers?



  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    3x5 @ 125lb squat
    3x5 @ 70lb push press
    5x1 @ 65lb power clean

    Surely someone wants to share this torture with me? :-)
