20+ minute video w/o floor work?

I posted this originally to the Food message boards because I was a little distracted. Sorry its a repost. I have no idea if I can move a topic or what to do with the original blunder :cry:

I'm broke but I'm dying to change up my workout routines a bit. I'm aiming to do a minimum of 20 minutes exercise a day and I've been doing it since the end of September, but since I have such a strange shape right now, I'm having trouble mixing up my videos. I can't afford the local gyms since they're all $50-60 a month

I'm currently using Tiffany Rothe, fitness blender, and blogilates but could anyone recommend any other easy workout tapes? Ones a 275 lb woman could manage to do? Its alright if I have to pay for them, but if I do I'd love for it to be either a big set of videos so I have selection, or cheap.

Fitness blender and all them have a ton of videos, but since I'm at the very basic level, I'm finding I have to either do the same workouts every week or skip over parts of the video. I've got virtually no upper body strength whatsoever. I'm using 5 lb dumbbells right now to fix it but I'm still far from being able to put any body weight on my arms for more then 10 s. On top of that, I carry almost all my weight in my legs/butt so exercises on your back/side with your feet in the air are too hard for me since its hard to lift my legs and stay balanced.

One day I'll do the 30 Day shred, but right now I know its wayyy beyond what I'm capable of.

Thanks to anyone that has an answer :heart: or if they know what I'm supposed to do with my OP on the other boards :tongue:


  • ASchnadelbach
    I like the Walk Away the pounds series. It's all walking, very easy. There are a lot of them to choose from too. I have five. But I can choose to walk just one mile up to six miles, right in my home.
  • Tubtui
    Tubtui Posts: 53
    I can highly recommend this youtube channel.


    There are loads of videos and I think she uploads a new workout every week (for free).
    I've so far done the 30 Minute Power Walk and the Zumba Walking Workout. They are really nice for beginners.
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    I am doing Turbo Jam, there is no floor work and you can buy some of the videos seperately on Amazon. I started at 225 so I think you can do it. They have it modified as well
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    I agree with Tubtui about Jessica Smith's workouts. I have a foot injury right now and have been doing her chair workout. No weights required, just a hand towel. And it really gets the heart pumping. Good luck!