I have absolutely no core strength!

I only began my fitness and clean eating journey a few weeks ago and so far I'm proud of my progress. But the area I'm really struggling with is my stomach, I have a body type where I store most of my fat there, but don't worry....this isn't really a question about how I can get abs/spot tone, I'm not expecting miracles!

I really struggle with any ab exercises, it's my greatest weakness. Even lots of beginner exercises are too hard :/ I just think it's a bit silly to be strong and fit and have a huge area of my body that can't do much.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for easy ab routines, or my other idea is choose a really hard six pack/ab program and just do what I can and the struggle will help eventually? Currently I'm doing Pilates videos every day and running every other day (couch25k).


  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    You can do stuff like Planks to help with core strength. I do ab cable crunches, for my ab workouts and also Ab knee raises.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Push ups and planks will help.

    You can also lift weights using compound exercises like dead lifts, overhead press, bench press etc which all strengthen the core without direct 'ab exercises'.
  • Push ups and planks will help.

    You can also lift weights using compound exercises like dead lifts, overhead press, bench press etc which all strengthen the core without direct 'ab exercises'.
    I'll also add that good posture when you're doing cardio exercises or stationary can help to strengthen your core - when cycling or running a focus on your core maximises your efficiency. The rule I learned in a gym aeons ago was to 'suck your navel in towards your spine' and I try to remember to hold this posture as often as I can.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yep, third on overhead press.

    Did 25x10 yesterday and my abs are killing me.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    just do what I can and the struggle will help eventually?

    Yep. It will adapt over time and become stronger. :)
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I have similar issues!

    I added in supermans, planks and swiss ball crunches to my strength training workouts and I really feel dead lifts in my core the next day so try those too. Most free weights will benefit your core muscles too, it just takes time.
  • poisonbloom
    poisonbloom Posts: 28 Member
    All of these suggestions are great!! But it seems you're already on the right track - Pilates is a sure fire route to a strong core - but proper technique is vital to success!!
    Make sure that you research the breathing method behind exercises properly..
    It may be a slow process but Pilates builds the deep core muscles that will support your whole posture through all of your other endeavors. It won't be overnight, but persist and you'll be strong as anything in no time!!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Any of the compound weightlifting movements will engage the core without you having to think about it: Squats, Overhead press, Deadlift and Bench press, or bodyweight equivalents.

    No-one has mentioned Yoga yet, so it appears that's my job! Pretty much any yoga position will engage the core in one way or other. Well, apart from Shivasana!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Any of the compound weightlifting movements will engage the core without you having to think about it: Squats, Overhead press, Deadlift and Bench press, or bodyweight equivalents.

    No-one has mentioned Yoga yet, so it appears that's my job! Pretty much any yoga position will engage the core in one way or other. Well, apart from Shivasana!
    +1, other suggestions were good as well but compound lifts engage the core tremendously and have so many benefits.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Agree with most of the comments above.

    You seem like you're on the right track, just keep trying. If you give yourself some goals, you'll notice your progress a lot easier.

    My boyfriend used to poke my stomach and tease me for having NO abs or core strength. I researched some ab exercises and slowly threw them into my routine. A month ago I tried doing some 15lb weighted incline sit ups (i'm sure that's not the technical term) and I could barely do 5 without dying. Now I can do at least 3 sets of 20 like it ain't nothing. Planks I started with a goal of 1 min. After I reached that 1 minute I started adding weights on my back. Just in the past couple weeks I can't SEE the changes too much in my stomach because there is still a layer of fat, but I can FEEL the difference and it's encouraging to keeping working. and now when my bf pokes me it's not just squishy.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Same here. just persevere, I started with simple exercises from the internet. Now I go to the gym, I still feel weak at the core, but I know I am better than I was, and I will get better :-)
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
    Any of the compound weightlifting movements will engage the core without you having to think about it: Squats, Overhead press, Deadlift and Bench press, or bodyweight equivalents.

    you really should think about it, there's a huge difference between squatting while passively engaging your core and actively bracing your abs, back and glutes.
  • Focus T25 helped me strengthen my core tremendously. I see a lot of good responses here! Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The wheel is a good starting point. Kee your arms close to your body at first and work outward as you can. Planks are also great. Dancing is wonderful for your core.