Another Today show watcher!

I just joined today also after seeing the Today show. Tamera is amazing!

I am 220 and my health is suffering. All my medical promblems are due to weight. High B/P, high cholesterol, high triglycerides (so high you could fry eggs with my blood) :( and the main thing is no ENERGY!!! How do you get up and do anything when you can't get your butt off the couch??

I am a Braillest for the school district so I have been off since June. Had so many plans for the house and things to do with my daughters (ages 2 and 18). Now I have one week left and my poor two year old has had a very boring summer and very little done in the house.

The thing that is really bothering me is the fact that my children have never seen me healthy! I started gaining weight after my son was born and I have now doubled my weight!! My son is staitoned in Afghanistan and will be home in Feb. 2011 and I would love to be healthy and energized so I can enjoy my family and not to just sit and obsess over what I am going to eat next. I would also like to live, I am so afraid of dying and leaving my children especially my two year old with out a mother.

I would love to have some new friends to join me so we can help each other on our journey!

Any and all advice is very welcomed especailly on how to get my butt up and to beable to drive by and not into a fastfood joint!