Does my TDEE Sound Right

rileyhall00 Posts: 98
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey guys,

Male. 195cm tall. 95kg weight.

I go the gym 2 times a week, which involves 15min cardio 40min weights. I also play basketball (40min) and basketball Training (80min).

My job is a Laboratory Technician, I'm constantly on my feet, gathering samples and walking form station to station. And maybe sit down for ~1hr during my 8hr shift.

I also walk my dog daily for 30min a day.

So atm I used light for 1-3 times a week exercise but wasn't sure to include the dog walking.

Which gave me ~3000. For me to loose weight, I need to cut 20% correct? Which would be 600cals, which gives me 2400.

Should I set it to moderate.? Only a 300cal difference but wanted to run it by you guys and get some opinions.

So far I have been on 1750, via MFP app. Where I add my exercise. Whilst with TDEE I don't need to add anything do I? I just eat/workout and it averages out, correct?


  • It sounds like you're more than lightly active and with 11 pounds to lose I can't imagine that you'd need to cut more than 600 calories a day to get there in a reasonable amount of time. So, I would set your activity level to moderate and try that for at least 4 weeks and then reevaluate.
  • Yeh. I should have mentioned too that I've already have lost 12kgs in 11weeks.
  • Bump. Would really appreciate more opinions.
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    I agree with your calc, I use

    With the 1-3 which I agree you should use, would give 3K. Then at 80% 2400.

    you dont need to add anything at all to that. You would eat 2400 per day and that is taking in to account your activity.

    Also if using MFP you might want to adjust your macro split. I usually recommend people start at 40/40/20 (P/C/F).
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would use moderate active, not light, and a 10-15% cut given that you only have a little left to lose.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    i would use moderate active, not light, and a 10-15% cut given that you only have a little left to lose.

    Sorry to hijack post, but how little is a little.
    I am just trying to figure out when to change the percentage of calories cut back.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Rileyhall00: How much weight have you lost in the past 4 weeks?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would use moderate active, not light, and a 10-15% cut given that you only have a little left to lose.

    Sorry to hijack post, but how little is a little.
    I am just trying to figure out when to change the percentage of calories cut back.

    last 10lbs you should have a deficit of 0.5lb per week, or TDEE-10%
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    i would use moderate active, not light, and a 10-15% cut given that you only have a little left to lose.

    Sorry to hijack post, but how little is a little.
    I am just trying to figure out when to change the percentage of calories cut back.

    last 10lbs you should have a deficit of 0.5lb per week, or TDEE-10%

    Thank you!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    I am 6' and 228lb and my TDEE is 3060 (5 days a week exercise, moderately active, measured daily with a FitBit) So you being bigger, I think thats reasonable.
  • RachaelKaye4
    RachaelKaye4 Posts: 57 Member
    This is an issue that really confuses me as well.

    Im 5'5 and 60kg and am moderately active but it says I should be 2187 calories which is far too much for me?

    I used to eat 1200 calories per day but at the minute I'm on 1400 calories and upping it 100 every 2-3 weeks to have a higher intake to build my metabolism.

    If youve lost 12kg in 11 weeks then I'd say your were on the right path but if you are 195 cm and 95kg and you seem fairly active then 1750 just doesnt seem enough for you. I know coming from me I used to eat 1200 per day lose my 10lbs in 10 weeks and then every summer would put it back on because it wasnt maintainable so maybe its better to eat more now and lose the weight and build your metabolism because that means itll stay off. :)

    Hope that helped!

  • I think it's right and keep doing what you're doing. No one here will be able to calculate your body using formulas as most the time it's completely off. Keep doing the amazing work you're doing!
  • Rileyhall00: How much weight have you lost in the past 4 weeks?

    4kgs. So today I weight in at 94kgs and want to loose another 4kgs. Ill assess myself from there and determine if I want to loose more or bulk. Ive never had issues eating my 1800cals. And id enjoy having some extra room to move @ 2400. Good to know about the non adding of exercise. As long as I keep being active I just eat that amount. Cheers for all the replies. Loving it.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Rileyhall00: How much weight have you lost in the past 4 weeks?

    4kgs. So today I weight in at 94kgs and want to loose another 4kgs. Ill assess myself from there and determine if I want to loose more or bulk. Ive never had issues eating my 1800cals. And id enjoy having some extra room to move @ 2400. Good to know about the non adding of exercise. As long as I keep being active I just eat that amount. Cheers for all the replies. Loving it.

    Your rate of loss is reasonable in my opinion. I wouldn't make the jump to 2400 calories at this point, but if you're having issues with satiety or gym performance I can see merit in you increasing calories by about 100 or so.

    Your average caloric and macronutrient intake over the past month is:


    However, I can tell by how far off the above numbers are (total calories exceed the macronutrient totals when you multiply it out), that you are probably not using a food scale and you are likely using the quick-add feature which means you are eyeballing your intake regularly. This obviously isn't a problem currently, but it could become one if results no longer meet expectations. It is likely that you're above the 2010 target (the average you have logged) already.

    Additionally, the quick add feature doesn't apply any macronutrients so while your protein intake looks quite low, the quick add feature isn't calculating any protein when you use it which further throws off your tracking accuracy.

    So it's difficult to make concrete recommendations, but as a vague statement I'd say the following:

    Keep calories near where they are now if athletic performance and satiety are good.
    If they aren't good, increase 100 cals.
    In either case, probably a good idea to increase your protein.

    EDIT #2 --- I wanted to chime in again to make this more clear so it doesn't look like I'm suggesting that someone with your activity and size should eat 1750 calories. You are logging the above caloric intake (2010 cals/day over the past month), and because you are frequently eyeballing your intake rather than measuring, you are very likely eating more than what you are logging. Your rate of change in weight is on the high end of what I'd still consider reasonable. For all these reasons I don't think you should increase to 2400, but I do think you could start by adding in 100 calories if you're having any performance/satiety related issues.
  • Thanks sidesteel, sound advice.

    Yeah like I having now issues loosing weight, I'm really surprised how easily its coming off. But I was worried that with my current inaccurate DI I was wrecking my metabolism.

    Like you mentioned I do eyeball my main meals a bit. I'll have to make more of an effort in adding each ingredient instead of finding a meal similar through the search function.

    I think since i'm coming towards the finish line like you said I will maintain what I'm doing but try to be more accurate and add an extra 100cal protein a day. I'll look into protein shakes and eat more nuts.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So atm I used light for 1-3 times a week exercise but wasn't sure to include the dog walking.

    Which gave me ~3000. For me to loose weight, I need to cut 20% correct? Which would be 600cals, which gives me 2400.

    TDEE is tricky, as estimating calorie burn is even harder than tracking all intake. That looks like a solid starting point - if you do that diligently for 4-6 weeks, the scale will tell you whether you need to adjust up or down by a couple of hundred calories.

    One of the most common reasons for stalls on MFP is people over-estimating exercise burn and effectively eating themselves out of a deficit, so there is nothing wrong with potentially under-estimating by a bit and working upwards. Especially as you aren't dropping to a very low caloric intake, anyway.
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