Eat to live or live to eat?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I turned my obsession into my passion. For some that's a terrible idea. But hey what the hell. I use to love everything about food. Mainly eating it... But as i slowly learnt about what i was eating, i now have a greater appreciation of what treat means and how much of what we actually need to eat each day. I now love cooking, baking, creating it. Considering starting a restaurant with my brother and sister.

    this is actually pretty freaking brilliant.

    if you're living to eat - maybe try living too cook? become a master chef in your own kitchen. become a meal ARTIST and make the most beautiful healthy delicious foods ever, take the time to plate it and serve it and love it and maybe this will be awesomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Find something else to live for that's more awesome and more satisfying and more fun.

    I think you're missing the question posed by the OP. I'm pretty sure it's not to be taken literally .I'm pretty sure everyone has other things in their lives that they love and are devoted to. I think the question can also be framed as...whether a person looks at food as just fuel or something more. I definitely see it as more than fuel. If it were just fuel I wouldn't mind having a feeding tube as long as it was enough sustenance to get me through. I would never want that--I LOVE food and I enjoy eating it.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I eat to live. I never have been obsessed with food. I eat to because I need it to survive. There was a time when I ate to much of it. I got fat because I was too lazy to cook or workout and found the drive thru an easy option.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Find something else to live for that's more awesome and more satisfying and more fun.

    I think you're missing the question posed by the OP. I'm pretty sure it's not to be taken literally .I'm pretty sure everyone has other things in their lives that they love and are devoted to. I think the question can also be framed as...whether a person looks at food as just fuel or something more. I definitely see it as more than fuel. If it were just fuel I wouldn't mind having a feeding tube as long as it was enough sustenance to get me through. I would never want that--I LOVE food and I enjoy eating it.

    Nope. Thanks for the breakdown though. Which is why I suggested the food art cooking mastery stuff instead.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Sigh, I definately live to eat. I'm always obsessing over the "best" way to eat, the most nutritious, the ideal. I've been vegan, raw vegan, vegetarian (lacto-ovo, lacto only), pescetarian, low/no carb...the list goes on and on. Then when I do something that is not ideal I feel defeated. This is a bad pattern that I'm trying to overcome but it's hard. I think that I look at food like a puzzle I will eventually be able to solve...but I know that's unhealthy. Food shouldn't be as complicated as I make it. I struggle with being too rigid and then too relaxed. I need balance. I'm getting there but I don't think that it's something someone with a food obsession can just snap out of. I take every time that I recognize the problem as a victory because for a long time I just let the obessions consume me.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    A little of both for me, I mean we all eat to live right? I do love my food though and to deny it to myself does not make it any less true.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Find other interests. I don't know whether this is the case for you, but I think a lot of people become obese because food is the only source of pleasure in their otherwise depressing and unfulfilling lives. Get excited about something that isn't food (or better yet, about several different things, because replacing one singular obsession with another isn't so great either).

    I disagree. I am not someone with an empty, useless life. I have a fulfilling career in an area I love (using my creativity), a good circle of friends, active social life, and many interests and hobbies. Yet I am still obese and obsessed with food. I don't know why, I wish it wasn't so, but I don't like to be characterised as a big fat loser. I am a big fat winner!

    I didn't say you or everybody. I purposely put qualifiers in my statement. If you're that obsessed with food and self-applied behavioral solutions don't help, maybe see a psychiatrist (being serious, not sarcastic).
  • Red_Scorpio_www
    Get busy with other things you are passionate about!
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    Eat to live!

    And after we have enough fuel, we can do what we have to do.....and that´s not eating again.
    This is one of the main problems.
    We don´t need food to go gathering McFlurrys or hunting Cheerios ;)

    Walk, climb, run, swim do funny things.....thats what we need food for!
  • Red_Scorpio_www
    Eat to live!

    And after we have enough fuel, we can do what we have to do.....and that´s not eating again.
    This is one of the main problems.
    We don´t need food to go gathering McFlurrys or hunting Cheerios ;)

    Walk, climb, run, swim do funny things.....thats what we need food for!
    Exactly :)
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