Fitness level and Alcohol Tolerance

I've heard people comment that the more they work out the less alcohol they seem to be able to tolerate.

I though it was a total myth until i experienced it myself. I try not to drink too much, but I let myself indulge last night and what would
normally have maybe gotten me buzzed hit me WAY harder than it would have previously.

I ate a good dinner, and was drinking water. Did my p90x leg/back routine earlier in the day, and also biked/ walked leisurely.

Has anyone else experienced this, or want to weigh in?


  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    I've experienced this before also. But not sure what the cause really is, could be many things as usually when I'm working out more I'm also watching my diet a little more and probably drinking less frequently.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I experienced the heck out of this last weekend! I had 3 shots and two bears (spread out)...I was DONE!
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    I've always had the same level of fitness, but since I passed 30, I've become a lightweight. One glass of wine is good enough for me! I used to be able to drink a bottle of rum.