


  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member

    I LOVE Nutella - and there's always a jar open in my house cos' my kids love it too!
    But since I've been on MFP I haven't had any at all - I do think that for me, it's difficult to eat only a small amount so better to ban it during my weight loss.
    When I'll be maintaining (hopefully by XMas) I'll probably reintroduce it but try to eat it only once a week or so - I used to have some almost every day for breakfast! Now I'm having porridge - and it sure feels healthier :-)

    I have a little nutella with oatmeal, now, but mostly it's natural peanut butter, natural almond butter, natural dark chocolate peanut butter (dark chocolate dreams), white chocolate wonderful peanut butter (of course natural). If it's not oats, then it's Weetabix! Yummy
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    I wish i could be normal...

    There's no such thing as 'normal' - we all have our quirks. I'm terrified of flying to the point that I've run screaming off the last handful of flights missing both holidays and business meetings. I'm terrified of spiders to the point that I'll literally rip a room apart to find and deal with one. I count the number of doorways from my hotel room to the nearest fire exit when I stay in hotels just on the off-chance there's a fire in the night and I can't see through the smoke. In fact I spend an unhealthy amount of time conceiving of ways to deal with any number of emergency situations. Anything with the texture of jelly makes my skin crawl and the thought of eating it makes me feel nauseous. Small babies also make my skin crawl because I can't help but obsess about the fontanelle pulsing up and down with their heartbeat like some awful alien parasite waiting to burst out through their heads. Oh...and I talk to trees; especially the very old ones. I had a lovely conversation with a 5,000 year old Yew tree in Wales that I'd gone to see specially.

    So you see....nobody is 'normal'. Don't let the media fool you into ever believing that.

    Omg, I loved this...especially the trees! lol Thank you :smile:
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Nutella has sabotaged my weight loss success too many times. I've come to the conclusion that it is better out of my home, out of my life. Too good to resist.

    This! It's the devil's food, and I am quite happy that it's out of my cupboard now that my two have left home :-) Moderation is not an option.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    first of all BIG well done for facing a fear and trying nutella :smile:. im trying to recovery also, and i think at the moment try not to get caught up in worring about sugars just enjoy your nutella and new foods to come :smile: then once at a healthy weight i think then we can start to swap and change things around. thats what im going to try to do. xxxxx

    Thank you

    What you mean "swap and change things around" ? Do you mean not having it anymore?
  • I eat nutella on like everything!!!! it's all about cals in and cals out. So long as i measure it.. Imma have my nutella daily. Though.. When you eat too much, you DO gain like crazy. It and chocolate is how i gained.. sadly for me
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I absolutely LOVE Nutella, but the last time I had a pot in the house, I couldn't eat it in moderation. That is because I was a chocoalte addict though. I used to have pancakes with nutella and banana, and when I ran out of pancakes I had Nutella on its own. I'd take the bottle to my room and have spoonful after spoonful, while telling myself "this will be the last". lol

    However, I am sure that if I buy a bottle now I will be able to have it in moderation as I no longer crave chocolates like I used to. But at the same time, I'm not going to buy a bottle because I no longer crave it so why should I? :P

    OP, if you can have it in moderation, it is the same as any other high calorie food, there is nothing evil about it at all. It is a yummy food and if you like it with your Weetabix, have it with your Weetabix, as long as you still stick to your calorie limit. And as long as you don't go crazy about it like I did. :) And you DO NOT have to feel guilty about having something yummy and high calorific as long as you do it intelligently and count the calories.

    Good luck on your recovery! :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Nutella and any other foods (high sugar, high fat, high/low whatever) can all be enjoyed as part of an overall healthy diet. Unless you have a health reason to track sugars (think diabetes or something similar), you don't need to track them specifically. If you have completely cut out sugars and oils for an extended period of time, your weight could fluctuate for a while, but that doesn't mean the pounds are piling back on. It is just your body getting used to food and foods you have withheld from your body for a long time. Best of luck! I hope you do have a good support system in place for your recovery.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I haven't read through all the replies, so apologies if this has already been suggested - have you tried Rawtella? It's supposedly a "healthier" version of Nutella. I have been in your position and for me, focusing on the nutritional aspects of food takes a lot of the fear out of eating it. Part of my issue is self-control since I have been known to eat Nutella directly from the jar...;) BUT, for some reason I find that if the product has healthier ingredients in it, even if the calorie/fat/sugar content is the same or higher, I don't feel as guilty about eating it. I know your question was specifically about tracking sugar (and that I don't have answer for), but I just thought I'd mention this!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I love nutella. :) I don't have it too often, and if you're only having a spoonful in your porridge, I wouldn't worry about it. :) You shouldn't feel guilty about it either. :)
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition where the doc has asked you to limit your sugar intake, no need to count sugar. Nutella is awesome, I often have it. But don't think of it as a nutritious snack (like their ads suggest). I just think of it as candy wrapped in bread when I make it. mmmm. Yummy!!!

    btw, theres a whole lotta websites and pinterests dedicated to nutella recipes and most are very delicious.

    I had it again this morning which I loved. I really want to make a Nutella sandwich with either natural peanut butter or fruit like strawberries or half a banana on whole wheat or dark rye bread.

    It's not as healthy as the commercial says, but it is a better alternative to things like an actual chocolate bar all the time like Mars bars (which my parents have every night now.....)

    I have been lurking a bit on this thread. Congratulations on working on your fear food! That takes a tremendous effort and I am proud of you! As others have said, as long as you don't go over your maintenance calories, you will not gain weight. It's calories in = calories out. Simple as that. If Nutella makes you happy and you can afford the calories, eat it! Glancing at your diary, I don't see you grossly overdoing the sugar on anything else. Had your diet been completely all sugar, then it would be easy to say "easy on the sugar, you have enough now". But you are doing fine. Everything in moderation. :flowerforyou:

    I have had it on crackers with ligonberry preserves. The sweet/tartness mixes wonderfully with the Nutella.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition where the doc has asked you to limit your sugar intake, no need to count sugar. Nutella is awesome, I often have it. But don't think of it as a nutritious snack (like their ads suggest). I just think of it as candy wrapped in bread when I make it. mmmm. Yummy!!!

    btw, theres a whole lotta websites and pinterests dedicated to nutella recipes and most are very delicious.

    I had it again this morning which I loved. I really want to make a Nutella sandwich with either natural peanut butter or fruit like strawberries or half a banana on whole wheat or dark rye bread.

    It's not as healthy as the commercial says, but it is a better alternative to things like an actual chocolate bar all the time like Mars bars (which my parents have every night now.....)

    I have been lurking a bit on this thread. Congratulations on working on your fear food! That takes a tremendous effort and I am proud of you! As others have said, as long as you don't go over your maintenance calories, you will not gain weight. It's calories in = calories out. Simple as that. If Nutella makes you happy and you can afford the calories, eat it! Glancing at your diary, I don't see you grossly overdoing the sugar on anything else. Had your diet been completely all sugar, then it would be easy to say "easy on the sugar, you have enough now". But you are doing fine. Everything in moderation. :flowerforyou:

    I have had it on crackers with ligonberry preserves. The sweet/tartness mixes wonderfully with the Nutella.

    Thank you :smile:

    Mind you, i do eat dinner. I don't track it most of the time because i know it's a bother for my parents for me to weight and measure everything they make and every item before they even put the meal together... :frown: but if it didn't bother them in any way, I'd still be doing it. But the things I make myself, I do track.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    I love nutella. :) I don't have it too often, and if you're only having a spoonful in your porridge, I wouldn't worry about it. :) You shouldn't feel guilty about it either. :)

    Thank you :smile:
  • Dazellyn
    Dazellyn Posts: 45 Member
    All I can say about Nutella is ..DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! (for me anyway) :D
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    I haven't read through all the replies, so apologies if this has already been suggested - have you tried Rawtella? It's supposedly a "healthier" version of Nutella. I have been in your position and for me, focusing on the nutritional aspects of food takes a lot of the fear out of eating it. Part of my issue is self-control since I have been known to eat Nutella directly from the jar...;) BUT, for some reason I find that if the product has healthier ingredients in it, even if the calorie/fat/sugar content is the same or higher, I don't feel as guilty about eating it. I know your question was specifically about tracking sugar (and that I don't have answer for), but I just thought I'd mention this!

    My parents dont want to buy that because its way too expensive since Canada doesnt have the big jars, only the tiny ones :frown:
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    Nutella and any other foods (high sugar, high fat, high/low whatever) can all be enjoyed as part of an overall healthy diet. Unless you have a health reason to track sugars (think diabetes or something similar), you don't need to track them specifically. If you have completely cut out sugars and oils for an extended period of time, your weight could fluctuate for a while, but that doesn't mean the pounds are piling back on. It is just your body getting used to food and foods you have withheld from your body for a long time. Best of luck! I hope you do have a good support system in place for your recovery.

    Thank you! :smiles:

    I do have loads of support, I am thankful for that. And I don't have any medical condition at all. It's just my fear of fat gains and what my body looks like..... :frown: I want to eventually get fit and lean but still thin and shapley...
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    Ooft, Nutella is a beautiful thing. If you've got the self-control to limit yourself to it (whatever limit you're comfortable with), then go ahead. Like someone said early, 200 cals is 200 cals and sometimes you need those calories to taste sweet rather than "good". Should you ever feel like a calorie avalanche, I highly recommend Nigella Lawson's Nutella cheesecake. So wrong and yet so right.

  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Nutella is the one reason that I'm happy I developed a tree nut allergy last year. Now I don't have to worry about resisting it's yummy goodness...possible death is a great motivator to stay away.
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    Nutella is the one reason that I'm happy I developed a tree nut allergy last year. Now I don't have to worry about resisting it's yummy goodness...possible death is a great motivator to stay away.

    To stay away from Nutella?
  • recover_healthy_fit
    recover_healthy_fit Posts: 209 Member
    Ooft, Nutella is a beautiful thing. If you've got the self-control to limit yourself to it (whatever limit you're comfortable with), then go ahead. Like someone said early, 200 cals is 200 cals and sometimes you need those calories to taste sweet rather than "good". Should you ever feel like a calorie avalanche, I highly recommend Nigella Lawson's Nutella cheesecake. So wrong and yet so right.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ooft, Nutella is a beautiful thing. If you've got the self-control to limit yourself to it (whatever limit you're comfortable with), then go ahead. Like someone said early, 200 cals is 200 cals and sometimes you need those calories to taste sweet rather than "good". Should you ever feel like a calorie avalanche, I highly recommend Nigella Lawson's Nutella cheesecake. So wrong and yet so right.


    I should count the calories in that recipe just for kicks LOL. Looks delicious though. I grew up with Nutella so maybe it's because it's always been in the house, I typically don't have it much, even though I love it. Can't resist nutella crepes though.