Thoughts on diet sodas whilst dieting?



  • SlidingDown
    SlidingDown Posts: 64 Member
    I like the taste of Coke Zero but not the taste of Pepsi Max, so if I'm going to have a caffeinated soda, it'll be Coke Zero. I am aware that artificial sweeteners are accused of having various bad side effects, but the way I look at it is that I don't have more than two in a whole week, therefore I am as much at risk of toxins in the air I breathe while out for my walk.

    When I really feel like something cold and carbonated, my go-to drink is sparkling mineral water. I really like the taste, it satisfies that "bubbly" indulgence, and it has 0 calories/fat/carbs/sugar/artificial sweeteners. The only thing to watch is the sodium - not a large amount in a glass, but it should be logged anyway as it all adds up.

    Now and then though I'm out having lunch and there are very few non-fat / low calorie drink options available including no mineral water, and at those times I find Coke Zero to be a handy option.
    Other times I just feel like something "sweet" and for me, it meets that desire without wiping out a massive chunk of my calorie allowance.

    As an infrequent thing, I don't see anything wrong with it. All things in moderation so they say, and while some people may believe that to be true of the non-diet versions as well, personally I'm not willing to lose that many calories from my budget to one drink.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    I absolutely hate the taste of diet/sugarfree soft drinks! Bleck! Gross chemical taste that gives me headaches. If I want a fizzy I'll have the original - sugar and all!
    Fanta is my fav
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I limit myself to one a day. Not because I think the sweeteners in it will cause all kinds of nasty problems, but because I have thin tooth enamel. My dentist advised me to cut back, apprently it is the acid levels in most fizzy pop including diet stuff that thins tooth enamel.

    She advised cutting back and using a straw to drink so that it doesn't touch my teeth too much. Also, chewing some sugar free gum after drinking it so that it increases saliva in my mouth and reduces the acidity.

    But other than that, I drink it and I lose weight. It's a nice fix sometimes if I want something sweet. As is a cuppa tea with a couple of low calorie sweeteners in.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I like my Coke Zero's as it's the only "junk food" you can consume as much as you like yet and not put on any weight.

    It has caffeine in it which reduces the fatigue, the diet brings on itself
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't like the taste of artificial sweeteners, so I no longer drink soda. With the 64oz of water I have to drink a day, I don't have the room to drink anything else. With fluid meds in my BPMs, I feel like I meet myself coming and going from the restroom as it is.
  • ziggiezambi
    I drink water and tea (no sugar, no caffeine) I've never been big on soda so it’s not hard for me to cut it out. My thought is water is better. But if it’s what you enjoy drink it. I'm enjoying me a wonderful sugary chocolate Twix bar right now! :tongue:
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I'll have a Coke Zero once a month or so, but I mostly stick to drinking water, coffee, and tea during the week, plus alcoholic beverages on the weekend.

    Edited to add: Those of you who think that research using rodent models is worthless, awesome, my entire career is worthless. Thanks!
  • BeautifulLadi89
    I drink diet sodas all the time, but the brand I get is called Zevia. It has 15 different flavors and no added artificial sweeteners, and other bad ingredients. forgot to mention that there is no aspartame in it if your worried about that.

    What flavors are good?

    I honestly drink the cream soda flavor and cherry cola flavor, but from my friends they say that you can't tell a difference from the flavors to the other brands . My friend said that the mountain dew flavor is pretty good.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    I drink diet coke with my whisky, moderation is the answer, you can drink and eat whatever untill you are in your calorie intake for the day
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    I'll have a Coke Zero once a month or so, but I mostly stick to drinking water, coffee, and tea during the week, plus alcoholic beverages on the weekend.

    I mostly drink only water and herb tea (a lot of that!) - no cffee because it makes me feel jumpy - and I also have a half a glass of wine with dinner most days - I live in France :-)
    but once in a while Diet coke is a treat - like once a month. In fact I'm having one right now :-)
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member

    Science has proven that "chemicals" (totally unnatural! Ask a chemist!) will sneak into your house at night, rearrange your furniture and write untrue things on your Facebook
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    Were it not for diet soda, I'd be done for in the evenings. Scoff if you will, but I dont care. I've cleaned up other areas of my diet, include my craft beer hobby. Allow me my aspartame :)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I say if your gonna drink soda drink the full calories better tasting version. LOL.

    Im not a soda fan so I only drink it when we go out to eat so...

    Personal preference I guess.

    Even tho its zero calories they still have sodium so I would limit them.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    lots of advice here. So I will share what works for me. I gave up diet coke on July 1st 2013. Immediately, the weight started coming off. Of course, I changed my diet as well, but many of my cravings for things like chips, popcorn, salsa, and other snacks disappeared. I do drink sprite zero now but only 1 or 2 a day. I believe the sodium in diet coke (I was drinking a lot!) was not only dehydrating me but making me retain water. I now reach for a bottle of water or order water when I go out to eat (easier on the wallet as well) Some people say it does not make a difference but for me I believe it did. Hope this helps. By the way, it was tough to give up that caffaine, but I have adjusted and only have 2 cups of coffee in the am now. I sleep better!
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    I love diet soda drinks and drink them everyday. Looking at my family history, I'll die of cancer anyway, might as well have some fun then. I dont' smoke, I don't do drugs, rarely drink alcohol and mostly eat healthy foods, I really can't be bothered with worrying about diet sodas on top of everything else.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Do you have any issues with artificial sweeteners? Do you get headaches, stomach aches? Do you feel like you make poor choices for other foods when you drink diet sodas?

    If you can answer no to those questions and yes to:

    do you enjoy diet sodas? Then go ahead and enjoy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    lots of advice here. So I will share what works for me. I gave up diet coke on July 1st 2013. Immediately, the weight started coming off. Of course, I changed my diet as well, but many of my cravings for things like chips, popcorn, salsa, and other snacks disappeared. I do drink sprite zero now but only 1 or 2 a day. I believe the sodium in diet coke (I was drinking a lot!) was not only dehydrating me but making me retain water. I now reach for a bottle of water or order water when I go out to eat (easier on the wallet as well) Some people say it does not make a difference but for me I believe it did. Hope this helps. By the way, it was tough to give up that caffaine, but I have adjusted and only have 2 cups of coffee in the am now. I sleep better!

    So, still drinking plenty of diet soda, but stopping diet soda is what made your weight loss to start? Totally could not be the change in diet, right? The bloating tends to come from all that extra carbonation, not just the sodium.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I love diet soda drinks and drink them everyday. Looking at my family history, I'll die of cancer anyway, might as well have some fun then. I dont' smoke, I don't do drugs, rarely drink alcohol and mostly eat healthy foods, I really can't be bothered with worrying about diet sodas on top of everything else.

    I love your attitude. :) We all gotta die of somethin', right? If I die of hyperdietsodaitis, I'm fine with that. :drinker:
  • DrewMontoya
    DrewMontoya Posts: 77 Member
    lots of advice here. So I will share what works for me. I gave up diet coke on July 1st 2013. Immediately, the weight started coming off. Of course, I changed my diet as well, but many of my cravings for things like chips, popcorn, salsa, and other snacks disappeared. I do drink sprite zero now but only 1 or 2 a day. I believe the sodium in diet coke (I was drinking a lot!) was not only dehydrating me but making me retain water. I now reach for a bottle of water or order water when I go out to eat (easier on the wallet as well) Some people say it does not make a difference but for me I believe it did. Hope this helps. By the way, it was tough to give up that caffaine, but I have adjusted and only have 2 cups of coffee in the am now. I sleep better!

    I'll share what works for me. I increased my Coke Zero consumption on September 15, 2013. Immediately, the weight started coming off. Of course, I changed my diet as well but many of my cravings for things like chips and candy bars disappeared. I still eat salsa because it's very low calorie and there's absolutely nothing unhealthy about it. This last week, I drank a disturbingly large amount of Coke Zero, over two liters a day, and I still lost three pounds.

    Anecdotes are pretty meaningless. Cutting out sodas will help some people. It won't help at all for someone else
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    It's diet soda, why not have it when dieting?
    I'm sugar & starch free, so diet soda is an occasional sweet treat for me.