Meeting Calorie Goals

My daily calorie goal is automatically set to 2400 by MFP and I'm really having a hard time meeting it. I've been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables lately and trying to stay away from processed foods, causing most of my calories to come from meat. By the time I get to 1200-1800 calories though I'm STUFFED, but I still have a couple hundred calories to eat for the day. On top of this my works out in the gym usually result in a 800-900 calorie burn which is a lot to try and eat back.

I want to lower my daily calorie intake but I'm nervous about "starvation mode" and losing the weight healthily.


  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    at your given weight a more aggressive approach may not be such a bad idea... Dont go crazy, but, a few hundred below is no big deal right now (for you). I suggest you try to stay close and possibly eat some not so healthy foods.. An extreme deficit will just cause problems later on, and such diets should be tailored by a nutritionist and monitored by a doctor.
  • kpatton11
    at your given weight a more aggressive approach may not be such a bad idea... Dont go crazy, but, a few hundred below is no big deal right now (for you). I suggest you try to stay close and possibly eat some not so healthy foods.. An extreme deficit will just cause problems later on, and such diets should be tailored by a nutritionist and monitored by a doctor.

    Thanks for the reply man.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Peanut butter is your friend here. :drinker: And read this if you haven't already, lots of good info: