I've been using MFP for almost 70 days...

Hello everybody,

Yes, I have been using MFP for almost 70 days! I realise this is unlikely to be any kind of record but it's a record for me. On my journey to 46 years of age I, like many others have been on more than a few diets. None of which really worked, or if they did, not for very long. I know MFP isn't a diet nor is it a magical cure, but it's a great tool to help you (me) see the big picture of what you're eating and how it hurts you.

I still have a way to go but I haven't felt this positive about my weight lose and health gain in like forever.

That's all I have to say really. Thanks MFP, I'm glad I found you, and thanks everyone who contributes to the message boards, I love reading the many funny, supportive posts.

