Being the fat friend

Yesterday, I went to my first ever wedding expo and invited one of my good friends, My wedding wont be for a couple of years so I'm getting in early to keep the excitement/planning momentum up and the fact that its good motivation to loose 30kg.

The only thing is, I made the mistake of taking my classically beautiful, naturally thin friend with me (which mind you should never be a mistake and I'm not saying this is her fault). I am engaged and she will be getting engaged in the near future (they lived together and have planned it) but she's not yet. We walked in normally, and we started to go around to some of the stalls and I began to notice something.

Every time I would walk up to a stall, wanting more information, they would turn their back to me and talk to my gorgeous, thin friend. I'm not talking one stall, I'm talking everyone we went to. They would shower her with information, with everything. At one point, when I actually asked for a flyer one scowled at me and went "oh... you're getting married too?"

I would have brushed it off as just a rude salesperson, but I noticed that as soon as we split up for a while (Some other friends of hers were there) everyone, and even the same vendors, were so much nicer to me.

I can only assume that it was because I was the fat friend "following her around" and that she was the one who looked like she was someone who *should* be getting married in their eyes. As if I wasn't already feeling terrible about myself which certainly does not have a positive effect on my motivation and success for achieving my weight loss goals...


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    so when you were on your own they were fine with you, but when you were with her, they were off... maybe its the way you behave around your friend due to self esteem issues?
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Congrats on your engagement!

    This isn't intended to come across mean. OP, you should look inside yourself honestly to see what you are putting out there.

    Why label yourself like that?

    I wasn't there, so maybe I'm way off! But if you felt that way, you may have unwittingly expected to be treated poorly. Maybe your friend was open and welcoming and you became withdrawn as you felt dissed by vendor after vendor.

    In this economy, I can't imagine vendor after vendor snubbing you.

    You will be much more successful if you are motivated from within than if you let people you don't even know control how you feel about your weight loss and healthy living goals.