What are your feelings?



  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member

    What I do feel is a since of balance. I noticed the other day that I can stand and put on a pair of pants. In other words I can stand on one foot and put on pants without falling over or loosing my balance. I can run up and down stairs. I climbed over a house size boulder this weekend, the last time I was on that trail I wouldn't even attempt it, I took a huge detour to keep from having to climb it. Since loosing weight I've found a physical balance. I still have as far to go as I have gone, I'm hoping I will achieve the emotional balance as well as the physical balance.

    I feel the same way! a NSV (non-scale victory) for me has been being able to add in INSANITY work outs to my weekly regimen this month, id never have attempted them before.. i was too clumsy and uncoordinated.. i was affraid id hurt myself. I have beeter control of my body now... its an amazing feeling.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I feel empowered even after just 12lbs. Not so much because I'm a size smaller in clothes but because of what I can DO now that I couldn't do before (like running) and because I know that *I* did that, I made that decision, made that change. I CHOOSE to eat one half of slice of pizza rather than 3. I choose to go to the gym rather than sit on the couch. I have discovered a mental strength this time around that I never realized I had.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I find I'm too sexy for my shirt
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I feel the same about myself at 190 (27 BMI) as I do now at 150 (21 BMI). I've always had pretty high self esteem, I just can do more now. And I wear smaller clothes. And I'm less likely to eat a whole bag of potato chips. Notice I said "less likely"...
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    I think "being happy" for most people.. is a decision they have to make EVERY day. (excluding people with genuine depression or mental health issues)

    Skinny, Fit, Average or Fat... i think that happiness is a choice. you can sit and stew in your stress/problems (everyone has them) or you can choose to try and find reasons to be happy and tackle your problems head on...

    Work hard, set a goal to work towards, and decide to work on happiness!
  • skyebare
    I honestly just want to feel pretty again, and be able to wear what ever I want instead of trying to make my fat clothes look good on a fat body... Clothes don't look as good when you go from a small to an xlarge... just saying. And it doesn't matter how much time I spend on my hair, make-up, outfits.. I always look like a fat tub of lazy lard... and I never used to be that way. I'm prior military, I used to pride myself in being able to do 54 push up in 2 minutes, 89 sit-ups in 2 mins, and run 2 miles in 16 min (i'm short so that's fast to me lol). Now, My arms are shaking after 10 push-up... I want to get back to being strong with a tight body...lol
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    I have a rock solid sense of self. I feel incredibly sexy, strong and mentally capable. Im tackling crazy adventures now and love to shop for clothes. I dont feel the need to cover up or turn off the lights when im having sexy time, or before... or after... I love myself and I have no issue sticking up for myself now either. I can recognize craptastic behavior in myself and know how to adjust my path before veering too far off.

    It has changed my life to the one I'd have given anything for 5 years ago.
  • jazi719
    jazi719 Posts: 150 Member
    I just want to say good luck to all of you. We are here to support one another. Don't ever give up, remember, it will take time but the time is going to go by anyway.

    We need to succeed!!
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I have to admit that I feel many things. They range from amazement to total disbelief...

    But, I still feel fat because except for the last two years I had been extremely obese...
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Confidence has been a big thing for me. I feel beautiful sexy and like I CAN dress how I want to and wear heels and makeup - I don't have to hide in baggy clothes and pretend thats "just my style" - I used to tell people that I just wasn't a "girly girl"; didn't 'do' dresses, wear heels or want/need to dress up.

    I also feel satisfaction from my success. I've lost weight before but never this much and I've never been able to keep it off. However this time I feel like this is no way back. This is my way of life now and I can keep it up.

    Increased fitness also gives a feeling of satisfaction. I'm almost through the C25K programe, I'm doing strength training and have done a few rounds of 30DS. Instead of wobbling after my daughter all sweaty with boobs hardly held in I can now sprint after her down the street with the only issue being my jeans falling down lol.

    Happiness though... I don't think I started this journey to find happiness. However, I think the inrease in confidence and self-satisfaction does give an increase in the "can do" attitude to life and given me independance and a willingness to be more outgoing.

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am so happy I lost the weight I did and have become so healthy and active. I have a ton of energy to do fun things with my boys and as a single mother I need all the energy I can get!

    I am more confident, enjoy the clothes I wear, how I look, hold my head up and smile more. The funny thing is I thought it was a magic cure-all for "fat days"......NOPE.....I still have bloat and days I feel blah! Not sure why that is but it was enlightening to realize that those thin girls that would complain about feeling blah....and I never understood it.......well now I do.

    Also the way others treat me has been an eye-opener. Men will go out of their way to hold a door or carry something for me. Before they'd practically let the door slam into my face. Sad really.

    All in all losing half my body weight has been a very interesting time!! I am tempted to write a book!! :)

  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I didn't have issues with confidence before, but yeah, of course seeing my body looking better in the mirror is a source of happiness, and motivation to keep going. I find that every physical thing that I do is easier. Carrying heavy groceries or luggage, standing up all day at a music festival, opening a bottle of wine with a manual corkscrew, all this stuff that I thought, "Well, I'm just a wimp," or "Well, that's what happens when you get older." All easier. I feel more capable and more youthful, which is great.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    This is a really good question.

    I still lack confidence, but I love that I finally got a grip on my emotional eating problem. It took me years to do it, but I feel like I'm able to control what I eat and how I live, which is an invaluable feeling. I think confidence will come in time.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I lost 50 lbs and it really feels awesome :) I'm so glad I accomplished such a big goal, especially since I NEVER thought I could get this small! Many people are also very proud of me such as my fiancée who has supported me through this all :)

    However, I have been met with some remarks the past 6 months or so that left me feeling not so great :( Some people have said the "you've lost too much weight...." (no I haven't I'm finally at a healthy weight!), and "losing that much can't be healthy..." (yes it is! It took me a year!!!). Also I was shopping with a friend last month and she was looking at stockings and trying to decide if she should get regular size or plus size. I told her that I thought the "plus size" label on stockings was a little misleading considering that stocking size would more so depend on the body type and that some people who wouldn't be considered 'plus size' might need those if they had bigger legs (athletic, pear shaped, etc). The cashier (who was very overweight) interrupted our conversation and said that I had no idea what I was talking about and rudely said "like you would ever know anything about plus size!" in a sarcastic tone. It was like she was angry at me for being smaller than her :( I felt like I had done something wrong or something, even though replaying our (private) conversation in my head later, I realised I hadn't been out of line and that the cashier was just rude.

    So mixed emotions! Not everyone will be happy with your weight loss. I've had many sarcastic comments thrown my way, but I'm happy with my current weight so screw them! lol
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    For me it is satisfaction that I set out to achieve something and achieved it. Getting stronger, moreso than losing weight, has also given me more self confidence and a feeling of being "capable" that I did not have before. It's a work in progress obviously.

    I didn't have a lot of weight to lose -- there have been some interesting discussions about people who struggle with loss of identity after losing a lot of weight when "who they were" was tied up in their weight for so long. Some people also have issues with more and sometimes intrusive attention from others. I'll link to the thread if I can find it.


    It's a really interesting question to ask, thanks for the topic!
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    In my profile I wrote:

    I'm in training to become a world class Olympic athlete and break world records in the 2020 games.

    I also want to use my athletic ability to become a professional mercenary sponsored by the United States. Sorta like Rambo, but only using elliptical and row machine powers to fight the enemy.

    In a couple years I'll break most of the world track and field records. I don't want to be fat when I get the medals.

    Why aim low?

    Ok, seriously... It's cause I can be whatever I choose to be, and I choose this.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    An acquaintance of mine noticed my weight loss
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Initially I started losing weight because I wanted to feel and look better. I had given up on myself for a very long time, and suddenly woke up to realize if I didn't change how I felt about myself I would not be around to watch my children grow up, graduate HS, College, get married have children.... I did not want to do that!

    Now as I have lost weight, it is gratifying to know that I have taken charge of my life again. Not only will I be here for my children as they grow up and achieve all of the major life milestones, I will be around for their children.

    I can do things again that I hadn't been able to do in years.... It doesn't hurt either that people notice and comment, that is a wonderful feeling! :wink:
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Not everyone will be happy with your weight loss. I've had many sarcastic comments thrown my way, but I'm happy with my current weight so screw them! lol

    ^ These people are JEALOUS and should be ignored. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I'm happier & more confident. I can wear anything I want and look good, I don't have to worry about anything sticking out where it isn't supposed to. And I like looking at myself naked. It's awesome. Definitely feel better about myself in general, and that's only after 17lbs.