Need some support!

This is my third try with MFP although I have never used the online message boards. I have heard great things about how supportive this community is. My main problems are that I like to eat...crave all of the wrong foods! I know what to do to combat these cravings, but, similar to a drug addict, when I am in a store and potato chips are RIGHT THERE, I can't seem to help myself and then I feel horrible later. It's as if I can only think clearly when I am not hungry...if that makes any sense. This cycle keeps repeating itself. What happens is that I will use MFP for about a week religiously, and then I will "slack off" and get right back into those unhealthy habits. I want to be healthy and stop feeling so bad about the way that I is affecting every aspect of my life. Any advice/help/support appreciated.
Thank you


  • Dtchycat
    I started dieting on my own about 1 1/2 weeks ago and joined here about six days ago, so I am not sure what others have done, but for me, the first thing I did was clear out my cabinets of the "junk" food. Sugar cereals, cake mixes, cookies, hamburger helper and other quick foods. Then I went to the local small, independent grocer where there is a limited stock of foods to tempt me. I bought veggies, low calorie meats, cheese, healthy cereal, etc. I was "starving" and "craving" something fierce about day 4 but didn't give in. I probably should add that I was a 8-10 can cola drinker, sometimes more, so I was withdrawing from all that sugar and caffeine. I also fool myself with no sugar jello and cool whip because it is "sweet" when I am craving something sweet. When I am craving salty I reach for the mini triscuits because I can have 28 of those little buggers and they are loaded with fiber. I was told by my doctor to give it at least 21 days of strictly eating "good" to develop a new habit before splurging on things like eating out or splurging on a treat of a calorie-low nutrition foods.

    Hopefully someone else can have some words of wisdom for us on how to keep us active on MFP once the newness wears off.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    I can completely relate. I feel like I get less addicted to sugar and then more and then less and then I let it slip. It is absolutely addictive.

    For awhile, my husband and I ordered food through an organic food box delivery program. It meant far less time grocery shopping, and a constant supply of fresh veggies and organic meats. I could even order things like feminine hygiene products. Maybe if the store is too much temptation, you can try something like this for a month just to try to break the cycle? Now we go to this great food market once a week for all of our shopping, and we're looking into having a standing order with our favourite butcher. Really, he's a health nut and is in charge of the food (planning and cooking), so it's kind of out of my hands, but if I'm not in the store, I can't buy the crap.
  • Lisionic
    Lisionic Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same thing happening all over again, have been in MFP on better days and then letting it go and not wanting to see the calories, when having ''bad'' days. This time I kinda made a commitment to myself, when wanting something sugary and junky I am planning it really carefully, until I get tired of thinking of how much of this or that I can have.I know I always want to have the whole packet , there is no way I am gonna have a piece of chocolate or something, so predicting my moves I just go back to fruits and vegetables and I know I can munch them for a while and they will satisfy my need to eat as an action. And after having them I also feel how I actually got satisfied of them from minerals and vitamins, not just being high on sugar and fat.

    So I think it's just about teaching yourself right motives and seeing and feeling the good results. It is pretty hard in the beginning though to not get this full, comforting and ''satisfied'' feeling as fast and as high.

    I am still not quite sure about my logic, but it has worked for me for the past month and I still need daily motivation, so if anyone needs and shares some motivation, I would love you to add me :))