GRE on Wednesday - what would make a good breakfast?

kcdrake Posts: 512
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Title says it all.

I'm taking my GRE on Wednesday (crazy stressful trying to study for this beast) early in the morning. Everyone always says to eat a good breakfast that will keep you going and fueled. I'm already a breakfast eater, so it's not going to be hard to eat or anything, I was just hoping some of you had advice on what type of foods will keep me filled, fueled, and thinking for 3 hours of an intense test.



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I remember the GRE, I took the general exam 3 years ago. As for breakfast I would say something with some protein and some energy.

    As for the GRE, if you are any good at math, don't worry about the math portion. The hardest stuff on there isn't even college algebra, though pretty much all story problems. I know a lot of people try to essentially memorize the dictionary for the word portion, but don't cause it won't help. Get to know prefixes, suffixes, etc. as this will help you figure out what the word does and then you can find the opposite (I discovered this after I took the test :cry: ).
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    GRE isn't that bad, don't let people freak you out! I took it several years ago (like 7!) and it was a breeze. Can't remember breakfast that well, though... hahah

    So, I just did the MCAT not that long ago and here's what I had: oatmeal and yogurt. Some good complex carbs to keep my brain going and some protein to keep me satiated. Just a smidge of caffeine to wake me up (half cup coffee). I was allowed breaks amidst the 5hours of absolute brain oozing hell, and I opted for a protein (PureProtein) bar. I felt great through the whole thing.

    Also, remember hydration plays into your ability to think clearly. Just a little dehydration can impact your brain function. I'd avoid too much caffeine to make you jittery or excited and not a lot of sugar (simple carbs) that can make you lose steam.

    Good luck! You'll rock it!

    PS - like the PP said, the math is simple!! And definitely know your word roots.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I didnt think the GRE was that bad. I am a math person, so that was a breeze for me. It was the verbal section that killed me. I got one of the practice books so I was very prepared for the essay portion.

    Good luck.

    As far as food, I would say get some good fiber and protein. That should help keep you filled and able to concentrate on the test and not your grumbling tummy. So maybe an egg and some oatmeal (with fruit in it).
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I took the GRE and the MCAT with the same strategy:

    -exercise in the am
    - grilled salmon with veggies and rice
    - raisins and almond mix for a snack
    - tuna on whole wheat for lunch

    It worked well for me though it's a bit weird. The bottom line is a big protein source with steady carbs for the brain
    Best of luck, you'll do great :happy:

    Tropicalkitty I didn't know you were in the medical field!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I took the GRE and the MCAT with the same strategy:

    -exercise in the am
    - grilled salmon with veggies and rice
    - raisins and almond mix for a snack
    - tuna on whole wheat for lunch

    It worked well for me though it's a bit weird. The bottom line is a big protein source with steady carbs for the brain
    Best of luck, you'll do great :happy:

    Tropicalkitty I didn't know you were in the medical field!

    I'm in the app cycle now...*nail bite* I'm non-trad.... Obviously since I went to grad school first... hehehe :) We'll have to chat in another spot.
  • SheliaA
    SheliaA Posts: 2
    I am Shelia, anything like oatmeal or a smoothie with flax seed, something high in fiber. Remember to drink lots of water.
    Be blessed! Shelia
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Make sure you have a decent amount of protein in your breakfast. It helps to keep your blood sugar steady which will keep your energy from drooping.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It's Wednesday...doubt you'll be on here today, but when you check

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