Who goes by the Mfp calorie goals?



  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:


  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for the info but AGAIN, I have used the tdee-20% method and just felt it was too much food for me with the amount of weight I need to lose.
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:


  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Thanks for the info but AGAIN, I have used the tdee-20% method and just felt it was too much food for me with the amount of weight I need to lose.
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:



    It might 'feel' like too much food, but your body still *needs* it. Starving isnt going to get you anywhere but sick.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    So starving to you is me going by the mfp method of 1470 calories compared to the tdee-20% of 1700?
    Thanks for the info but AGAIN, I have used the tdee-20% method and just felt it was too much food for me with the amount of weight I need to lose.
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:



    It might 'feel' like too much food, but your body still *needs* it. Starving isnt going to get you anywhere but sick.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Judging from your ticker you seem to have been successful so far at losing weight using the TDEE method, why do you want to change?
    I'm 5'1, 152 lbs and I eat 1600 gross calories a day using the TDEE method. According to most of the calculators I use I should be eating about 1650 so I'm trying to slowly get up there (most recently I've been eating 1550 and losing a little over a pound a week). I don't understand why you think 1700 is too much. For someone your weight it might not be enough! Why starve yourself? Especially when you're having success? I'm always looking for a way to eat more food and continue to lose weight. I still struggle to stay under 1600 on a daily basis. It's not too much food at all!

    Just my personal experience but I started out using the MFP goals of 1200/calories a day + exercise calories. It was not sustainable to me. I didn't believe in a lifestyle that wouldn't allow me to incorporate a glass of milk into my calories (I realize you can have a glass of milk at 1200 but if I did then I wouldn't have enough calories left in the day to feel satisfied). So I switched to the TDEE method and I feel way better. This is something sustainable to me and that is very important. Sure I'm not losing 2lbs a week but I'm in this for the long haul.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I work in an office and get up from my desk chair at least 5 times an hour, but I still have everything set to sedentary. I don't think it is supposed to mean like wheelchair bound as another response suggested. JMHO.

    I log exercise & eat back calories...but I under log in some situations.

    For example 1 hour of walking very quickly, I'll actually go ahead and log that as a full 60 min walking 3.0 mph

    But if I'm out doing errands and shopping for 5 hours I will not log leisurely pace walking for 5 hours. Maybe 40 min of leisurely pace walking.

    I clean my house for 3 hrs every Thursday evening and I might sit down for 15 min out of that 3 hr block (organizing stuff), but I log it as 30 min light cleaning and 10 min vigorous cleaning.

    So far this seems to be working pretty well for me. I am set to lose 1.5 lb per week since I have a lot to lose, and I've lost 1.6 lb per week (average) since March 25 when I joined.
  • Target126
    Target126 Posts: 33 Member
    I have just started wondering if I should change mine, MFP originally gave me 1200 a day but I have started reading about the Biggest Loser and based on my weight they say I should be eating 2500 a day (but I'm guessing that is meant for someone who is VERY active/works out a lot). I am not active at all at the moment due to a health issue (un-related to my weight) so I am not going to go to the full 2500, I think I'm going to up it to 1400 or 1500 and see how I go with that.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member

    I am 4ft 10 193 lbs and my goal is 160 lbs. Please advise.

    You're 4'10" and your goal is to still be in the obese range?


    I hate it when people say stuff like this. Would you prefer that the poster just stayed at 193?
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member

    I am 4ft 10 193 lbs and my goal is 160 lbs. Please advise.

    You're 4'10" and your goal is to still be in the obese range?


    I hate it when people say stuff like this. Would you prefer that the poster just stayed at 193?

    No, and I knew someone would jump on me for that, but obviously she is trying to get healthy. At 160 her BMI is still in the obese area. Why work so hard, and quit to still be in the obese range?
  • TheDoctor_13
    TheDoctor_13 Posts: 21 Member

    I am 4ft 10 193 lbs and my goal is 160 lbs. Please advise.

    You're 4'10" and your goal is to still be in the obese range?


    I hate it when people say stuff like this. Would you prefer that the poster just stayed at 193?

    No, and I knew someone would jump on me for that, but obviously she is trying to get healthy. At 160 her BMI is still in the obese area. Why work so hard, and quit to still be in the obese range?

    Well I wouldn't agree with that but stepping down 30 pounds is still a good big step. If they feel they should loose more or a doctor says so, ok then they can continue.

    I go by the MFP goals which is 1820 for me. I used a TDEE calculator and it gave me 3163! I haven't even been meeting my MFP goals. Whats the 20% though, do you take 20% off what the calculator gives you?
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for the reply :) It has taken me over a year to lose this 36 lbs and it was not all with the TDEE method. I was at 1500 at first for a LONG time, then 1300 (too low) and then the 1700 but only for like 2 mnths. I guess I just always thought the more you have to lose, the less you shld eat.
    Judging from your ticker you seem to have been successful so far at losing weight using the TDEE method, why do you want to change?
    I'm 5'1, 152 lbs and I eat 1600 gross calories a day using the TDEE method. According to most of the calculators I use I should be eating about 1650 so I'm trying to slowly get up there (most recently I've been eating 1550 and losing a little over a pound a week). I don't understand why you think 1700 is too much. For someone your weight it might not be enough! Why starve yourself? Especially when you're having success? I'm always looking for a way to eat more food and continue to lose weight. I still struggle to stay under 1600 on a daily basis. It's not too much food at all!

    Just my personal experience but I started out using the MFP goals of 1200/calories a day + exercise calories. It was not sustainable to me. I didn't believe in a lifestyle that wouldn't allow me to incorporate a glass of milk into my calories (I realize you can have a glass of milk at 1200 but if I did then I wouldn't have enough calories left in the day to feel satisfied). So I switched to the TDEE method and I feel way better. This is something sustainable to me and that is very important. Sure I'm not losing 2lbs a week but I'm in this for the long haul.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I agree, but like I said, it doesn't bother me at all. I know what my goals are and I will do what I can to get healthy not skinny! ;)

    I am 4ft 10 193 lbs and my goal is 160 lbs. Please advise.

    You're 4'10" and your goal is to still be in the obese range?


    I hate it when people say stuff like this. Would you prefer that the poster just stayed at 193?
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    So starving to you is me going by the mfp method of 1470 calories compared to the tdee-20% of 1700?
    Thanks for the info but AGAIN, I have used the tdee-20% method and just felt it was too much food for me with the amount of weight I need to lose.
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:



    It might 'feel' like too much food, but your body still *needs* it. Starving isnt going to get you anywhere but sick.

    There are two schools of thought there. TDEE -20% accounts for exercise so you just eat 1700. MFP values do not include exercise so you need to eat those too.

    As for starving... I cant decide that for you. How do you feel? I will say that you absolutely need to keep your net as close to the number that MFP gives you as you can. I learned this one first hand... I was eating under what MFP told me and then not eating back 6 or 700 exercise calories a day. I got to the point that I couldnt focus very well and fell asleep at work.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for all the info :)
    So starving to you is me going by the mfp method of 1470 calories compared to the tdee-20% of 1700?
    Thanks for the info but AGAIN, I have used the tdee-20% method and just felt it was too much food for me with the amount of weight I need to lose.
    MFP was suggesting a goal below my BMR, which is not good to do at all. I use my TDEE calculated on these two websites for a rough guideline:



    It might 'feel' like too much food, but your body still *needs* it. Starving isnt going to get you anywhere but sick.

    There are two schools of thought there. TDEE -20% accounts for exercise so you just eat 1700. MFP values do not include exercise so you need to eat those too.

    As for starving... I cant decide that for you. How do you feel? I will say that you absolutely need to keep your net as close to the number that MFP gives you as you can. I learned this one first hand... I was eating under what MFP told me and then not eating back 6 or 700 exercise calories a day. I got to the point that I couldnt focus very well and fell asleep at work.