Lose the last bit of weight?

Hi everybody,
so I lost around 60lbs two years ago. I've been maintaining my weight ever since, and even if I slightly gained weight again, it was never more than 2-4lbs, which I quickly lost again. But my problem is that I still have some fat / weight / whatever left, which mainly concentrates on my thighs and hips, that I just can't seem to get rid of.
I never starve myself and I don't follow a specific diet anymore (I lost all of the previous weight with Atkins, but I have a job now and it's just too hard), but I do eat whole-wheat-products, lots of vegetables and fruit and also lean meats and fish for the most part. I hardly ever have candy or other unhealthy snacks and I don't drink sodas. I know that alcohol has lots of calories (not that I'm an alcoholic, but I do have a couple of drinks on my weekends) - but I didn't cut out alcohol during my previous diet and still lost a lot of weight. In addition to that, I work out up to an hour every single day, Monday through Sunday!
And yet the last bit still doesn't go away. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about a tiny little bit, I'm honestly talking about close to 7lbs or more! I know everybody's anatomy is different, and obviously my legs are more on the stubby side, but there has got to be a way to tone them up - or to lose the last bit of weight there?
I feel so stupid asking this, because I know that my diet is actually OK, and that there's no way to lose weight in specific places, but has anyone else made experiences with getting rid of that last annoying little bit of weight? Is there something I've overlooked all this time, something I can change in my habits? Also, I usually work out on our elliptical machine & it's not the same as going for an actual run. Would that maybe help?
Looking forward to your replies :)


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I did. It didnt come off until I seriously reined in my cardio and replaced it with a weights program and then, after like a year and a half fighting with the last 15 pounds, I lost 35 - whoops lol