Weight loss slowed, losing dedication, need motivation!

So I started using MFP in July and was super dedicated all summer and everything was going great! I was losing weight consistently, I was on top of my calorie intake, doing great with my exercise; things were going as they should! But by mid September my weight loss started to slow to the point where it takes about 2-3 weeks to lose a pound now (not very encouraging). On top of that I just started back up with my classes (2 terms away from getting my BA and applying to grad school!), and am finding myself starting to fall back into bad habits.
I need help! I don't want to go back to where I was, I've worked way too hard to get to where I am! So does anyone have any tips or tricks for staying motivated? Or any tips for speeding the weight loss up again? I'm up for any suggestions because at this point I'm feeling desperate!!!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Readjust your loss to 1/2 a pound a week. As you get closer to goal weight loss often slows and this is normal. You don't want to get on the rollercoaster of going up and down. Get back to the healthy habits you established this summer as much as possible. You can do it.
  • waltzingaround11
    waltzingaround11 Posts: 20 Member
    I feel the same way. I was losing weight consistently until we had a couple weeks of guests in late august and I was thrown off track a bit. I've eventually gotten back into working out and eating right like I was doing while losing but the numbers just wont budge. Even this morning, I was expecting to see some of the water retention from the weekend start to drop down and somehow the number went UP. I'm like whatttt.
  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    Focus less on the scale and more on fitness goals. When you feel your body getting better, the scale matters less. I have 100+ fitness goals in my profile that I cross off all the time. 47 goals passed. 27 lbs gone. Honestly, I get more excited about the goals.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Everyone loses the motivation and the excitement if you have more than a few pounds to lose. It's more about patience and making good habits. I rarely bound out of bed and laugh all the way to the gym - but I do it. When I finish, I'm always glad I did.

    The most relevant advice I have gotten on MFP is this:

    Eat at a calorie deficit from your TDEE
    Find exercise that you like and do it consistently
    Weigh, measure & log EVERYTHING you eat
    Learn to be patient - and don't quit

    I quit making excuses for myself and started doing what I know I needed to do. You can do it too!
  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    When my weight loss slows to a crawl and it's hard to stay motivated, I focus on little, daily goals, like making sure I get about 12 glasses of water a day, or cutting out processed sugar for a week. It gives me that more immediate "high" of reaching a goal and also helps with the long term weight loss plan.

    I also read weight loss success stories, or turn on a food/weight documentary (I'm streaming Weight of a Nation on HBO right now - it's free!). They certainly reinvigorate me and help motivate me in sticking to my goals!