Did you stop drinking??



  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    HAHAHAH nope. I got utterly drunk as a skunk on Saturday and lost 2 lbs this week :drinker:

    I had a similar Saturday, but only lost one pound.
    When I first started losing weight I went to one night a week. Once I lost most of the weight I try to keep it at just the weekends.
    I still laugh at the first conversation that my trainer and I had about diet. I flat out said I wouldn't give up drinking, he was good with it. This turned into a friendship and now we have drinks together :)
  • Nope! I enjoy going to the bar with my friends across in Canada! My biggest thing- if you feel like getting 'tipsy', take shots, not mixed drinks. Mixed drinks are jammed with extra calories! If you have to have some, look it up before you go out, pick the ones with lesser calories, and DANCE YOUR BUTT OFF. :)
    I always end up drinking 300 calories worth of drinks when I go, but I dance and end up burning 500, so I don't worry about it all that much. If you're doing it every night-then you might want to worry, but Once in awhile? Like the saying goes, eating bad for one day won't make you fat just as much as eating healthy for one day won't make you skinny!!

    Lol!! I actually lost about 30 pounds after I divorced my ex-husband by going clubbing 5-6 times a week, binge drinking and dancing my *kitten* off lol!!! I wasn't even thinking about my weight and it melted off! That was a very bad way to lose weight but it was fun. Its been about nine years since then and only drink once or twice every few months. I think if I do decide to drink it will be very limited.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I had an IPA last night.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I haven't given up drinking but I also don't do it as often!
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    One night out isn't going to plateau you. Just allot yourself some extra calories for drinks, have a good time, and go back about your normal business tomorrow!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I think I am gonna drink tonight... yeah... wine... yeah... wait what was the question again? :drinker: :drinker:
  • No, but I never drank much.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I haven't stopped it altogether but I've cut the occasions when I do drink right down - not because of the calories, but because of how it negatively effects my training/lifts in the days afterwards. Note that I'm not talking about 1 drink, I'm talking about a night out, and getting tipsy (as you mentioned) or a bit drunk.

    For example, last time I went out, myself and friends went to see a band that was playing at some pub. They were all drinking and got a little drunk, but I just stayed sober and was designated driver, it was quite nice. Next time I have a night out, I want to drink (I haven't got tipsy/drunk since my friend's hen night in May!) Plus I don't always like being the driver, one of my friends isn't really the easiest to ferry around after a good night! It depends on the situations, but generally it's a lot less often than before I was taking training as seriously.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Oh hell no. I just leave room in my macros so I can enjoy my libations. :smile:
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    NO! But I did have to give up anything with gluten in it. That was hard because that meant my favorite beers! But that doesn't stop me from drinking. Usually on my rest day I take a nice, scalding hot bath with a chilled glass of white wine or beer and usually a flourless mug cake. Nothing's a better treat!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Not a big drinker anymore. Kids tired want. To. Sleep.. lol

    But when i do drink i have a couple lite beers and im good.

    Just log them as long as its not everynight u should be able to work them in. Extra.exercise...etcc
  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    A lot of things i have read talk about cutting the drinks all together as they slow down metabolism, dehydrate you and not good for muscle development.

    I used to drink every weekend when i was younger but as I got older it became less and less. Now it is just casually if I go out with the girls or to dinner.

    At the moment I am currently doing a beach bod boost program so I've cut out booze and eating about 80% clean to get he best results.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I've cut down quite a bit, but it wasn't necessarily diet related. I've found the older I get, the more slowed down I feel the next day. I also don't like the hangover feeling and especially too much isn't good for my anxiety struggles. So I've become a pretty light drinker.

    I do love the taste of a good drink though. I still drink on special occasions or have even enjoyed a little wine with dinner on Fridays and still lost weight when I have.