Weekends :(

Weekends are the worst for me. During the week I habitually account for every calorie i take in and every exercise I do. Granted I don't have a HRM so it isn't 100% accurate, but i'm okay with close-enough numbers for now. My main downfall is the weekends. I told myself originally that weekends were my free day. rest days from workouts, allowed to have soda and alcoholo, etc. Also my finacee and I REALLY enjoy going out to eat for like Mexican or Chinese. Going out to eat is damn near impossible to log, so I've discovered. (Unless youre at a big name restraunt) So on the weekends I just let myself slip into this awful stage. This weekend we were having movie night at a friends and they ordered pizza and dessert and all kinds of soda and wine. I just pigged out so hard! And I always feel so freaking awful about it afterwards, but I'm scared that if I try to restrict weekends too I will get burned out and just quit.

Ultimately I want to loose weight more than my inner fatty wants her noms, but I know that hanging out with my friends at a mexican joint on saturday and eating a plain salad and a water while everyone has margaritas and enchiladas will lead to my quitting. I mean obviously I watch most of what I eat on the weekends. It's mostly dinner that screws me.

So what to to do? Restrict all the time and risk getting tired and quitting AGAIN, or continue like I am and risk not losing weight?
Is there another option?


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    I just do a huge cardio workout on weekend mornings. It allows me to fit in restaurant meals and wine.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    What about asking for 1/2 portions of your dinners instead of eating the entire thing?
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    There are 7 days in a week and none should be treated any differently for my weight loss.

    This is what I tell myself and its worked for me. Hope it helps you.

    Eat what you want, in moderation, and allow treats if it fits into your goals regardless of the day.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    You can still have enchiladas and margaritas, just account for them. If I know I'm going out to eat with friends I'll eat lightly during the day and save most of my calories for dinner. Yes you can't have the accurate count, but looking up a plate of enchiladas from 3-4 big restaurants and averaging that as your calories for the meal is a heck of a lot better than just not logging at all and eating whatever you want. It's all about moderation. You can still eat the same things as everyone else, just eat less. Count them in your daily log and don't go over your daily calorie goal. The weekend is not a free for all but you can still indulge a bit.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    You say it like you have two choices at the restaurant, either binge, or order a salad and a water with a wedge of lemon in it. Look, I sympathize, weekends are my worst, but maybe do what I do? I still do naughty foods and what-not on the weekend, but I simply cut everything in half (or order less, or enforce yourself to take longer to eat or drink, whatever works best for you). When you have a lot of friends and an active social life, it can be hard to avoid all calorie-rich situations, I know!

    But back to my point: in other words, don't approach it as "all or nothing", approach it as "okay look you're going to effing cheat today, I know you will you bi.tch, but you listen to me and you listen but good -- you put a limitation on that *kitten*, you hear me?" By the way, I find that when I have these internal monologues, calling myself "bi.tch" during it makes me feel I mean business so I tend to listen more, not trying to be rude by including that. I also find that giving my inner monologue Samuel L Jackson's voice helps too, or on especially stern days, Morgan Freeman because I'd hate to disappoint Morgan Freeman, it would like.... crush me inside.
  • Lunnunis
    Lunnunis Posts: 71 Member
    I have this problem with quite frequent/regular socialising involving food as well. I try to go to the gym and burn a few hundred calories to compensate for the bad days.
  • lizaloveee
    It's not an all-or-nothing thing, but you do need to sacrifice something, otherwise, what's the point at all? This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. You can have what you like and enjoy it, but you can't have it all. Pick what you want more - the drink or the food? Pick water, and look for things that are grilled rather than fried. Split an entrée with a friend to give yourself a one person portion. Don't indulge in the appetizers so that you're not over eating (I always think about how much better my meal will taste and how much more I'll be able to enjoy it if I don't stuff myself with bread or dip first). Go for a 30-60 minute walk (or jog/run if you prefer that!) before dinner to burn some extra cals to make up for the heavier meal. In the end, it's all about what you want more - to be healthy and feel great, or the temporary taste satisfaction?
  • rlzwakenberg
    rlzwakenberg Posts: 64 Member
    Both of those are good ideas. The only reason I don't do the cardio is because I workout every weekday, and I read that you need at least two days rest. I really don't know a whole lot about eating healthy and working out because it seems everywhere I look is saying different things. one place says nothing matters but caloric intake and the other says to carefully manage your carbs, sugars, nutrients, etc. I dont know what to believe.
  • belgd
    belgd Posts: 26 Member
    I also hate weekends. I usually go to my hometown on weekends and don't have much control of what I can eat. My parents or mother in law usually make food or my friends usually want to go out and eat so it's tough to stay in control.
    I agree with doing cardio both days though. If you know you're going out to eat, plan it out so that you don't go over by too much.
  • tlmclennan
    tlmclennan Posts: 26 Member
    I always know my weekends will be bad, so I compensate during the week. I too work out 5 days a week M-F. I work out for 2 or more hours though and DO NOT eat my exercise calories back. Instead I save them for the weekend. It's been working for me :-) and will be something I know I can do for a lifetime.
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    ElegantSlenderChic Posts: 41 Member
    I feel you, weekends are the hardest challenge. I have learnt to keep myself in check by fasting. I do it for religious reasons. I fast from 6am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday and find that if I break my fast with a well cooked, balanced, fibre rich, healthy supper I'm less likely to completely lose it and binge. Usually I go out later in the evening and then restrict myself to 3 glasses of wine with lots of water in between. Dancing is fabulous exercise and I log it. It won't work for everybody but it has for me.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd eat less during teh week - not eat back all teh exercise calories, for instance.

    Have you found that this actually hinders your progress, or are you just imagining that it might?
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I also save up my exercise calories during the week to use over the weekend. I know I go over then but I still record everything and work on being on target for the week as a whole rather than each individual day, I know it's not ideal, but like you, going out with friends etc is important to me and I know I would give up if it restricted my life, I am probably not loosing as fast as I would if I was more careful on the weekend, but I am still loosing and have made major lifestyle changes overall.
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    You say it like you have two choices at the restaurant, either binge, or order a salad and a water with a wedge of lemon in it. Look, I sympathize, weekends are my worst, but maybe do what I do? I still do naughty foods and what-not on the weekend, but I simply cut everything in half (or order less, or enforce yourself to take longer to eat or drink, whatever works best for you). When you have a lot of friends and an active social life, it can be hard to avoid all calorie-rich situations, I know!

    But back to my point: in other words, don't approach it as "all or nothing", approach it as "okay look you're going to effing cheat today, I know you will you bi.tch, but you listen to me and you listen but good -- you put a limitation on that *kitten*, you hear me?" By the way, I find that when I have these internal monologues, calling myself "bi.tch" during it makes me feel I mean business so I tend to listen more, not trying to be rude by including that. I also find that giving my inner monologue Samuel L Jackson's voice helps too, or on especially stern days, Morgan Freeman because I'd hate to disappoint Morgan Freeman, it would like.... crush me inside.

    Very few things make me laugh out loud on here. This was one of them. Thank you :)
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    I agree that it's not all or nothing as you're making it out to be. My birthday was last week, and I knew I was going out to a pasta bar I really wanted to try and I even was going to take the free dessert. The pasta and dessert were the most appealing part of it to me, and plenty of calories on their own, but I skipped the wine and the bread basket. Part of me was like, well I'm already blowing the calories here so what is wine and bread going to hurt? But you can make smaller concessions like that (choose a drink OR a higher calorie meal, have a salad and dessert but not a whole pizza and dessert, etc.) even when you're "cheating" (I don't like "cheat days"....every once and awhile for a special occasion or holiday or something it's worth it but it's a lifestyle, not a "cheat" IMO). I also ate below budget all week leading up to it, knowing I'd be going out for a big dinner for my birthday.

    And like someone else said, why do all that work Monday through Friday only to throw it all away on the weekend?! I personally would never do that. Maybe when you get to maintenance you'll have more room for eating healthy during the week and lightening up *a little* on weekends, but all you are doing is sabotaging every thing else you've done for the past 5 days!
  • Wrxsti23
    1. I workout in the morning especially if I know that I am going to a social event. I will take a body pump class and burn about 450-500 calories.

    2. Eat light for the majority of the day. I will have egg whites with spinach for breakfast and maybe a soup for lunch.

    3. Find small ways to cut on the calories.
    MOST places offer a kids menu..see if you can order from it to get a smaller portion and avoid overeating.
    Skip out on the soda. If you are drinking margerita's then there is no sense in having that AND soda too. Order a water with it to ensure you don't get the unnecessary calories.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You say it like you have two choices at the restaurant, either binge, or order a salad and a water with a wedge of lemon in it. Look, I sympathize, weekends are my worst, but maybe do what I do? I still do naughty foods and what-not on the weekend, but I simply cut everything in half (or order less, or enforce yourself to take longer to eat or drink, whatever works best for you). When you have a lot of friends and an active social life, it can be hard to avoid all calorie-rich situations, I know!

    But back to my point: in other words, don't approach it as "all or nothing", approach it as "okay look you're going to effing cheat today, I know you will you bi.tch, but you listen to me and you listen but good -- you put a limitation on that *kitten*, you hear me?" By the way, I find that when I have these internal monologues, calling myself "bi.tch" during it makes me feel I mean business so I tend to listen more, not trying to be rude by including that. I also find that giving my inner monologue Samuel L Jackson's voice helps too, or on especially stern days, Morgan Freeman because I'd hate to disappoint Morgan Freeman, it would like.... crush me inside.


    I eat out all the time- I prefer not to- because of calories but it's just easier- fortuantely my weekends are my down days- and I typically eat less than I do on the week days.

    But it's a day like any other- pick something and work with it- eat out less- or moderate more. Have left overs.

    it ISN'T eat till you puke... or starve till you pass out. Seriously.

    PS- I also tongue lash my self- but I use much nastier words. B*tch is the one who wants to quit... she gets called all sorts of nasty names by the other one. Yes- I feel you on this one!