Why is 1200 Calories bad?

exercise2day2 Posts: 46 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I see so many people on MFP threads saying that net calories of 1200 is too low. When I enter my details and goals into MFP, I get a daily calorie target of 1200 (I am 5' 8" female and want to lose about 20 pounds). If 1200 is so bad, then why is MFP recommending 1200? I have been using MFP now for 3 weeks and most days have had no problem staying within my 1200 calories. In fact some days I find that at the end of the day I am under. Then I start to wonder whether I should eat something just to up my calories...but then why eat if I am not hungry...isn't that what got me into this mess to begin with? Comments are welcome.


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    .....because your suppose to eat back your exercise calories, that's how MFP works!! :happy:

    ETA: I am 5'2, 44 yrs old and weigh 137, I eat between 1600-2000 cals and consistently lose 1/2 to 1 pound a week. See ticker below!!! :bigsmile:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Because it's not enough for a 5'8 woman. Find a TDEE calculator online, fill it out, and eat 20% fewer calories than the number it gives you. You will be happily surprised at how much you'll be able to eat and still lose. For example, I'm only 5ft, and am losing on 1850 a day.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    For me, 1200 was bad because I felt lethargic and headachy when that was my limit. When I realized that I was only allowing myself enough food to survive if I was comatose, I recalculated.

    Look up BMR and TDEE on the message boards. When you have more information, you can review your choice to see if a higher calorie intake might actually help you lose weight and maintain your health more efficiently.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    there are thousands of posts on this exact topic.

    the short version: MFP lets you select 2 pounds a week even when that is too aggressive a goal for someone with only 20 pounds to lose. If you have only 20 pounds to lose, you should select .5 pounds a week loss. The closer you are to a healthy weight, the slower the weight comes off no matter how low you set your calories, so there's no reason to starve yourself.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I see so many people on MFP threads saying that net calories of 1200 is too low. When I enter my details and goals into MFP, I get a daily calorie target of 1200 (I am 5' 8" female and want to lose about 20 pounds). If 1200 is so bad, then why is MFP recommending 1200? I have been using MFP now for 3 weeks and most days have had no problem staying within my 1200 calories. In fact some days I find that at the end of the day I am under. Then I start to wonder whether I should eat something just to up my calories...but then why eat if I am not hungry...isn't that what got me into this mess to begin with? Comments are welcome.

    MFP doesn't sanity check your requested weight loss rate against your other variables when computing your calories. that's why people enter the maximum allowable rate and get 1200 as a number.

    1200 is a floor below which MFP will not go.

    the best way to proceed is to actually understand the underlying math and reasons for the various settings. then you can customize your MFP numbers yourself and be sure that your numbers are appropriate. for example, the default macro settings on MFP are typically way off the numbers you might choose for yourself once you understand how.

    go into the Eat, Train, Progress group and start reading:


  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Because 1200 is the lowest amount that MFP will give anyone. 1200 might be ok if you're short and truly sedentary, but most people want to lose fast so they set their account to lose 2lbs a week so MFP gives them the lowest which is 1200 calories.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you're wanting to lose 20 lbs, then make sure you check the 0.5 lb per week option. I have a feeling you got 1200 net by selecting a 1.5 lb or 2 lb per week goal which isn't appropriate for you.
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