Gallbladder help



  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    @pooh ... Extreme dieting doesn't cause the stones. Most stones are made up of cholestrol from bad eating choices and are already there, but they've had a steady flow of bile from fatty foods to migrate BUT the stones do not migrate to the stomach at a small size because the bile is thicker and unused when extreme dieting.

    I think what probably caused these was my previous poor eating, then dieting and dropping nearly 30 pounds, then gaining that 30 pounds back plus 10 more. I did read in a few places that this is more common for women who have dieted and then gained the weight back.
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I don't have any diet advice, but I just wanted to wish you luck. There are medications your doctor can prescribe to dissolve the stones. With a diet overhaul and the medication, you just may be able to save your gallbladder. And believe me, you WANT to save your gallbladder. I certainly wish I had mine back.

    Unfortunately the ER didn't give me anything towards dissolving the stones and I'm 100% poor right now. I have no insurance at all so going to a regular doctor isn't an option yet. I'm looking into what help there is out there so I can work on this and would much rather keep my gallbladder if I can. Just not sure what options there are yet for me financially.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    When I was eating crappy, I had a huge gallstone problem too. I didn't even know it was gallstones for awhile. Just "ahhh god damn my stomach hurts ahhh". And then finally one day the pain was so bad I had to be taken to the hospital and that's when they found out I had the stones. They recommended having my gallbladder removed in an expensive surgery but being the resourceful fellow I am, turned to the internet for help.

    So I did a ton of research and found an insane amount of people saying the same thing. "You don't need to have surgery. Just do a cleanse". I thought it was bs too. Then I did it and it flushed all the stones out. Basically you go through a day where at certain periods you drank either Epsom salt water or this icky cocktail of lemon juice and olive oil. It helps you push those stones out so you can poop it out. I did the cleanse a couple times and got a bunch of stones out and now that I'm back to eating better, I don't get gallstones anymore so it's a nonexistent problem now.

    I highly suggest doing some research into liver cleanses. It'll save you money and a hospital visit. A painful one
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    My doctor just said avoid fat, even healthy fat like Avocado

    My food was mostly steamed veggies, fruits, salads, skinless boiled chicken and a lot of sushi, rice and soups
    I also looked up a lot of info on gallstone removal, but because my pain was so severe (gallstones caught in duct) I decided I was too scared to try to flush it as you never know what size they are and I didn't want it to get caught again
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I would consider trying a gallbladder cleanse, as well. And you can look into apple cider vinegar. Those seem to be the two most popular "natural cures" for gallstones.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Don't try to do anything weird imo, but avoid oily / greasy foods if you can.

    I wouldn't wish this on anyone. My sister was 7 mos pregnant and one night was CRAVING a triple pepperoni pizza. Her DH bought the pizza for dinner, and that night she woke up in agony. She was hospitalized and her gallbladder was removed. Then stuck in the hospital for a few days. :(

    So, no triple pepperoni pizza!

    I don't know if you can 'dissolve' stones. You can pass them. I think that's pretty much it.
  • Paz26
    Paz26 Posts: 23
    Unfortunately it will still have to be removed you watch what you eat or don't .you can only prolong it for so long. True avoid greasy oily food . Even Avecado & peanuts ect but if your attacks are closer together be careful cause it can get infected. I had my gallbladder out 1 month after my son was born. but my cousin put it off and his got infected. Just be careful