2260 ... whaaaaaaat?



  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    I started at 278 (6'1) I went pretty dramatic and cut my calories to 1200. In the first month I am down 20 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and do not eat back my calories. Alot of people will say its crazy not eating back calories but the fact of the matter is more calories burnt then taken in = weight loss. My thing is if it works for these people that get surgery and dont eat more than 1000 calories and lose 80-100 pounds why not me?

  • blackNBUK
    blackNBUK Posts: 58 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone. I appreciate the feedback. I suppose I just had it in my mind that in order to lose weight, I was going to have to be at like 1200 calories for the rest of my life (although I figured, as I mentioned before, that it'd be higher at first). I just never realized it would be that high.

    This will be interesting. Thanks again for all of the perspectives. You guys rock.

    I started at 278 (6'1) I went pretty dramatic and cut my calories to 1200. In the first month I am down 20 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and do not eat back my calories. Alot of people will say its crazy not eating back calories but the fact of the matter is more calories burnt then taken in = weight loss. My thing is if it works for these people that get surgery and dont eat more than 1000 calories and lose 80-100 pounds why not me?

    The problem with having a big deficit is that it is much harder to sustain over the long term. It makes 'falling off the wagon' much more likely. It also doesn't get you into the habit of eating a normal amount of food which we need to maintain a weight loss. Finally it makes getting the nutrition you need more difficult and hence makes it more likely that bad things will happen to your body. Having a bit of patience and aiming for a maximum of 2lb per week loss (1 lb if you've got less to lose) seems like a much less risky course.

    I would hope that after weight loss surgery, patients are given a detailed diet plan and very carefully monitored to ensure that they are getting the nutrients that they need.
  • Pugwash4x4
    Pugwash4x4 Posts: 24 Member
    I was 350 and b'1 when I started.

    I'm on a VLCD out of choice BUT a couple of years ago I lost a lot of weight by sticking to 2200cals and doing 1 hour of exercise 3 times per week.

    Happily lost 2-3lb for 4 months.

    my BMR was professionally calculated at 3300cals- a bit of exercise shoots that right up.

    One silver lining of being so heavy is that any exercise consumes a HUGE amount of calories- going for a 45 min walk can get through 600cals!
  • blackNBUK
    blackNBUK Posts: 58 Member
    yeah your bmr is 3033 and with a sedentary lifestyle 3640 calories to maintain. at 2260 you will lose ~2.76lbs a week average

    Not to confuse the issue, but your calculation assumes that XianC is of average body composition which at 370lbs seems pretty unlikely. To get an accurate BMR or TDEE for someone significantly outside the norm you really need a body fat percentage. If body fat is 40% then BMR falls to 2550 calories.

    If anybody is wondering, the reason that body fat percentage is important is that the body needs less energy to maintain fat cells then it does muscle cells.
  • XianC
    XianC Posts: 93


    I'm friending you solely on the basis that you used an IT Crowd gif as a reply.

    Not to confuse the issue, but your calculation assumes that XianC is of average body composition which at 370lbs seems pretty unlikely. To get an accurate BMR or TDEE for someone significantly outside the norm you really need a body fat percentage. If body fat is 40% then BMR falls to 2550 calories.

    If it's possible to have like a 70% body fat, I think I'm there.
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone. I appreciate the feedback. I suppose I just had it in my mind that in order to lose weight, I was going to have to be at like 1200 calories for the rest of my life (although I figured, as I mentioned before, that it'd be higher at first). I just never realized it would be that high.

    This will be interesting. Thanks again for all of the perspectives. You guys rock.

    I started at 278 (6'1) I went pretty dramatic and cut my calories to 1200. In the first month I am down 20 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and do not eat back my calories. Alot of people will say its crazy not eating back calories but the fact of the matter is more calories burnt then taken in = weight loss. My thing is if it works for these people that get surgery and dont eat more than 1000 calories and lose 80-100 pounds why not me?

    The problem with having a big deficit is that it is much harder to sustain over the long term. It makes 'falling off the wagon' much more likely. It also doesn't get you into the habit of eating a normal amount of food which we need to maintain a weight loss. Finally it makes getting the nutrition you need more difficult and hence makes it more likely that bad things will happen to your body. Having a bit of patience and aiming for a maximum of 2lb per week loss (1 lb if you've got less to lose) seems like a much less risky course.

    I would hope that after weight loss surgery, patients are given a detailed diet plan and very carefully monitored to ensure that they are getting the nutrients that they need.

    See what I mean? Find what works for you and follow thru with it. Doing what I do works for me. Once I am down 50 lbs I will start gradually increasing my calories. Right now I get the nutrients I need and dont starve myself. I just eat the lower calorie items and dont over indulge. Which for me was my normal life style. I used to eat a half large pizza by myself.
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    I started at 278 (6'1) I went pretty dramatic and cut my calories to 1200. In the first month I am down 20 pounds. I work out 6 days a week and do not eat back my calories. Alot of people will say its crazy not eating back calories but the fact of the matter is more calories burnt then taken in = weight loss. My thing is if it works for these people that get surgery and dont eat more than 1000 calories and lose 80-100 pounds why not me?


    I cant see the pic what is it?
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    MFP recommends 2160 calories for me and i am now 210 lbs 5'9 body fat (according to fat2fit) 19.9%. Started at 250 lbs about 27% BF. When I started I was reccomended at around 2300 Calories. So based on that i say give it two weeks of staying within Macros and adjust from there.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    I cant see the pic what is it?

    Popcorn gif in waiting for reaction to your unnecessarily harsh & potentially negative diet choices. You're talking about netting less than 1200 per day after exercise which is, I believe, classified as a very low calorie diet and is against the terms of the community guidelines. It's not safe or sustainable, and there are many threads which explain why that is the case. You can do what you like, but you can't espouse it as a choice here.
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    I cant see the pic what is it?

    Popcorn gif in waiting for reaction to your unnecessarily harsh & potentially negative diet choices. You're talking about netting less than 1200 per day after exercise which is, I believe, classified as a very low calorie diet and is against the terms of the community guidelines. It's not safe or sustainable, and there are many threads which explain why that is the case. You can do what you like, but you can't espouse it as a choice here.

    Well to me there are 2 "harsh" diet plans. One in which you eat like a pig and dont care how fat you get and 1 in which you eat when you are hungry, work out every day and lose weight. I see what you are saying but, it is not like I am not eating. I eat a normal lunch, a chicken salad for dinner and a bowl of cereal in the morning. I work out for over an hour a day. Mostly because I am deployed overseas and have alot of time off after my shift of work. I will just go on the treadmill for 60-90 minutes and burn close to 1500 calories. I dont see a need for eating when I dont feel hungry.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I will just go on the treadmill for 60-90 minutes and burn close to 1500 calories.
    Damn someone get me this treadmill.. I'm lucky to burn 300 calories going uphill walking at top speed. How is it even possible to burn that much?
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    I will just go on the treadmill for 60-90 minutes and burn close to 1500 calories.
    Damn someone get me this treadmill.. I'm lucky to burn 300 calories going uphill walking at top speed. How is it even possible to burn that much?

    Speed 4.3, 15.0 Incline try it!
    I usally jog (6.0-6.5) for the first 20 mins then reduce speed to 4.3 and increase incline to 15.0%

    Also, how do you only burn 300 cals going uphill at top speed what is your top speed? How long you going for?

    One more thing, the heavier you are the more calories will be burnt. If you are say 160 and I am 260 I will burn alot more calories doing the same amoount of activity being I have more weight to move :)
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    One day, I'm gonna come back and read this thread and understand what you just said to me.

    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    MFP recommends 2160 calories for me and i am now 210 lbs 5'9 body fat (according to fat2fit) 19.9%. Started at 250 lbs about 27% BF. When I started I was reccomended at around 2300 Calories. So based on that i say give it two weeks of staying within Macros and adjust from there.

    Really 19.9% body fat at 210 and 5'9? I am 5'9.5 and 185 and comparring to pictures online I am around 25% body fat

    Yeah I am pretty sure it is way off but just tracking that way to see how much Body fat is coming off according to one source.

    I do have a big frame but I am really sure I am not under 20%.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    sounds about right! Enjoy it! you are luck!y! This is not a website that utilizes fad diets its based on science. That's what makes it successful.Stay at this number and the weight WILL come off!
  • Kristine_7707
    Oh, damn, I knew that once. Thanks for the reminder. With a BMR that high then, I can see why my intake is so high.

    Now to work on selecting the RIGHT foods. Somehow I don't think I'll have much success if I eat 2200 calories worth of McDonalds every day.

    McDonald's is fine in moderation. dont cut out the foods you love because you're on a "diet". If you are still in a caloric deficit then by all means, have some McDonald's!!!
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