


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    so my sisters ex boyfriend is now a personal trainer. he told her that he lost 60lbs in just 5 months! she asked him how and he said he started drinking a gallon of water a pasta etc and said he ate a lot of chicken breasts and veggies. so now my sister thinks this is a good idea and wants to try it. i think she (and he) is nuts! am i the only one? you need variety in your diet..and who wouldnt get sick of chicken and veggies all the time?? im really learning that you can have almost anything you want..moderation is the key.

    I knew of a woman who would periodically enter bodybuilding competitions. She would eat nothing but chicken and rice cakes for the twelve weeks before the competition. Eating lots of chicken in your posting reminded me of that woman.

    Back to your posting. Chicken and veggies are okay, but she will get bored to tears in the end, variety would be a bit nice!

    Regarding the water, it can be dangerous to drink drink drink water all day, it dilutes the much needed sodium in the body and upsets all the electrolytes. Too little salt in the body is as bad as too much, seriously, you can die from water intoxication, if you do not believe me, take a look on the internet for Water Intoxication or Hyponatremia - it is an extremely dangerous condition.

    Is this bloke a fully qualified personal trainer or has he just done a little research on the subject and now calling himself one?

    Don't worry about your sister sticking to the same grub, she will get sick of it in the end and will revert back to eating other stuff.