All runners I'm freaking out please help!



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm training for my first marathon on November 9. I have done something to my knee. About three weeks ago I ran 16 and got pain towards the end, but was able to finish. The following week I was scheduled to run 20 and had to stop at 16 due to very bad pain in my left knee. I took the following week off and did no running although I did my regular classes and videos. Sunday I attempted to run the 20 again and was in pain from the very start I tried to push through but by mile 11 I could barely walk. I'm so depressed I don't know what to do! I'm taking this week off and doing absolutely no exercising. Is that enough? Am I going to be okay to run my marathon? I'm also very upset as I have yet to get a full 20 miles in due to the knee pain. I feel good everywhere else. It's not an endurance issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated I'm so upset!

    I'd say go see an osteopath, and refrain from running during any treatment he/she may give you. In fact, refrain from running, full stop until you 'feel' better.

    I'd rather arrive at the start of a marathon under trained than injured...I suffered a hip injury 4 weeks before my marathon and pretty much rested until the taper, which should be starting shortly for you.

    and don't try and do ' catch up' are too close to race day. This might be enough to salvage your marathon..i really hope so... please let us know how you get on.
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    I had a similar sounding thing happen to me earlier this year. I saw a chiropractic doctor who helped me through my "injury" which actually wasn't related to my knee at all (although it's where I thought the injury was), but rather VERY stiff muscles throughout my legs. I would start with a chiropratic doctor - it was covered under my employee health benefits. She recommended some stretching exercises as well.

    For my particular "injury", I was allowed to continue running, but at shorter distances and flatter surfaces (it's pretty hilly in my area) for a couple of weeks, and then I was able to increase a bit. If you end up having the same sort of injury, it shouldn't affect your cardio/ endurance leading up to your marathon... you've done most of the work in your training already. But don't wait to get this looked after.

    My injury was solely created by not stretching. Hopefully you find a solution to your problem soon!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    I would get some medical advice on what is wrong sso you can determine best course of doesnt sound like running through the pain is the way to go.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I have knee issues and when they flared up a couple of months ago I skipped my general practitioner and went straight to a knee guy. They can see a lot from x-rays and from seeing and talking to you. If the doc just says "take anti-inflammatories" and sends you on your way or says "Stop running," go see another doc. If you can see a doc that deals with runners or runs themselves that will be awesome.

    Once I found that my knee issues were not a structural issue (requiring surgery), I went to see my chiro and she worked on knees and hips. If you can find someone that works with the Graston Technique go for it. <-- I can be uncomfortable but it works.

    Good luck.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    The rule of thumb is if the pain goes away after 1-2 minutes of running you can train, if it doesn't STOP.

    I'm sorry, I know how you feel but you MUST see a doctor at this point. I missed my half in April I was training for because of pain in my stomach, the doctor thought it was a hernia (3 weeks from my race), so I was forced to not do anything; walk, stretch, nothing until I saw the general surgeon. They finally got me in and it was just a pulled groin. I could have continued training and run the race, however, the break helped the pulled groin heal quicker.

    Go to the doctor; preferably a sports medicine doctor but sometimes you have to see your regular doctor first to get an appointment with a specialist.
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    Reasearch "IT band" and try out some of the stretches. Did wonders for my knee pain.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Are your shoes and issue? I know if my shoes are old or have too many miles on them they make my knees and legs hurt. You could check into that and also see a dr.

    This. AND...believe it or not, there are wrong/right shoes for each runner. Get properly fitted for size and based on how you run (pronating and such). When I had knee pain it was a combination of worn out shoes and a hip that was out of place. My chiro took care of all of it and I was running pain free in a few days.

    My first full marathon is this Sunday and I'm excited! Good luck on yours on the 9th!
  • Jessie__86
    Thanks for all the advice. The pain is in the front of my knee. It does hurt to walk, although it feels alot better this week than it did last week, but thats probably because my long run mileage was higher last week. It does not hurt to do other excercises, squatting doesnt bother me. Its just the bending motion of running. I bought one of those thin knee bands from the running store and walked around all last week in that, I thought that helped. But when it came run time it didnt do much for the pain. My appointment Friday is with an Orthopedic and Sports doctor. I plan on resting resting and more resting, as hard as that is for me! Im also obsessing over the fact that I havent completed a 20 miler! Do you think its possible to finish a marathon with my longest run only being 18 miles barring my knee holds up of course?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Against the grain here. What is a doctor going to do? Lol. Tell you to stop running for a while. So, that's what you will probably have to do. Similar thing happened to me. Now, I can't even run 6 miles.

    I agree for most doctors. They will look at you for 5 minutes and hand you a prescription for an anti-inflammatory. Look for someone who does Active Release Therapy. I've had hip issues and went through the typical family MD and sports medicine MD and they were useless. They just want to treat the symptoms and not get to the cause. A local chiro who treats athletes and does A.R.T. got to the root of my problem and now I am running again. But it's not a quick fix - it took a few weeks of therapy to see the improvement.


    I was having issues with some major hip pain that was radiating through my whole right leg. I didn't want to see a Dr. so I just self prescribed time off of running. After a few weeks I seen an advertisement for a Chiropractor that specialized in sport injuries. I decided to go see him, that was about a month ago and I have seen him about 4 times. He did some work on me and then prescribed some specific stretches that hit the piriformis (sp.) muscle. After my second visit he prescribed a run outside. I am now back up to 5 miles. Still having some minor issues but they are getting better.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    I second the shoes idea. They can get past the "end date" and deteriorate rather quickly in my experience. As a result, you adjust your gait (maybe even without actively realizing it) and start running less efficiently, thereby causing more discomfort, etc.

    Was there any other change to your routine (other than mileage increases) prior to the discomfort? Is the plan you're following ramping up mileage in a gradual manner (~10% per week)?

    To address the knee pain, ensure you're elevating and icing your knees as well. A foam roller will also help significantly, as others have mentioned.

    Best of luck to you!
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Go to a orthopedic doctor. Tell him you are training for a marathon. A good doctor will not just tell you to rest and take meds. I have learned the hard way and can tell you that it is better to pay the money and be safe than sorry down the road that more damage has been done.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Do you think its possible to finish a marathon with my longest run only being 18 miles barring my knee holds up of course?

    Yes! There is nothing magical about 20 miles exactly. In fact I have seen several (metric system based) marathon plans that have no runs longer than 30km (18.6411 miles).

    Even if your knee starts to feel better I see no reason to force yourself to run 20 miles. Its basically taper time for you now anyway. Don't force yourself to run if you are in pain either to train or on marathon day itself.

    Hopefully your knee will feel all better soon. If not there will always be another marathon
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    My hubs had that problem

    go see PT
    it helped him emmesley and he ran his first marathon with success!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Get in touch with your running club and ask about a running physical theropist. Get a PT that has worked extensively with runners, they may not be able to 100% fix you for the run, but a PT who has worked extensively with runners will know how important that race will be and will work towards at least making you able to finish.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I know my shoes were worn out and I finally bought a new pair last week so that might have been part of the issue. I have been going back and forth with my family they insist I see a doctor but I just don't want to spend money on them doing an X-ray just to say its from "overuse" and I need to just rest. I did make an appointment for Friday but have been going back and forth about keeping it or not?

    Did you get the "right" shoes? My husband got the wrong shoes, got runner's knee and had to take a few weeks off. Went to the running store got fitted in the correct shoes and after the proper rest he's back running. Check the shoes!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Get in touch with your running club and ask about a running physical theropist. Get a PT that has worked extensively with runners, they may not be able to 100% fix you for the run, but a PT who has worked extensively with runners will know how important that race will be and will work towards at least making you able to finish.

  • Nikki_G30
    Nikki_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    As others have mentioned, I would go see someone for it. However, I would not go to an MD right away unless they are a knee specialist who is a runner or works with runners. I would start with PT or a chiro that does Active Release Therapy. Dry needling has really helped me too. The most important thing would be, regardless who you see, is to make sure they work with runners and/or is runner. If they don't, they don't usually understand runners and will tell you not to run no matter what. If they do run or work with runners and they tell you not to run then I would listen to them. Stretching can do wonders. Sometimes its an issue with glutes, IT or instability somewhere else that is causing the pain in your knee. Good luck!
  • robosgonefishin
    robosgonefishin Posts: 4 Member
    Reasearch "IT band" and try out some of the stretches. Did wonders for my knee pain.
    ^^^^^^^^ I agree, if you haven't looked into this please do. I'm training for a 1/2 and a few months ago I started experiencing pain in the front of my knee and thought about going to the DR as well. I spoke with an ultra marathoner friend of mine who recommended "rolling out the IT band" first and if the pain persisted then see a dr. I tried it and my knees don't bother me anymore. Of course your mileage may vary but it's worth looking into. Here's a link to a youtube video that demonstrates rolling out the IT band:

    Hope that helps and you start to feel better.
  • Jessie__86
    First off thank you for all the input and advice. I went to my appointment today, an X-ray was done. The doctor said there isn't anything wrong with my knee itself, no rips or tears. But I was told that when I stand straight my knees point inwards so that when I run my knees aren't on track the way they should be. So I am supposed to start physical therapy to strengthen my hips so that my knees will turn the way they are supposed to. Does this sound legit or does it sound like someone trying to make money? Haha. The physical therapist said he believes that with the right exercises and strengthening my hips I should have no problem running my marathon.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    First off thank you for all the input and advice. I went to my appointment today, an X-ray was done. The doctor said there isn't anything wrong with my knee itself, no rips or tears. But I was told that when I stand straight my knees point inwards so that when I run my knees aren't on track the way they should be. So I am supposed to start physical therapy to strengthen my hips so that my knees will turn the way they are supposed to. Does this sound legit or does it sound like someone trying to make money? Haha. The physical therapist said he believes that with the right exercises and strengthening my hips I should have no problem running my marathon.
    Not sure how much difference 3 weeks of physical therapy will make to your upcoming marathon. I do believe it should help you in he long run though (my sister is a physical therapist, so I am biased).
    As for the alignment issues IDK, since I've been doing more and more minimalist running, I've had less issues than with shoes that cushion and influence gait. Point being, working on proper muscle balance and refining your technique should always trump artificial corrections such as shoes and inserts (ok, maybe if you have one leg that's significantlylonger than the other....)