riding a motorcycle in cold weather - calories burned?

OK, I ride a bike for about an hour at speed for the morning commute. This morning it was in the 40s and foggy so I am still chilly and have my hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. The question is what kind of calories do you burn with this kind of cold? I had to jump start myself by eating more than I usually do for breakfast. I'm wondering if I'm blowing my calorie budget just trying to warm up....


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  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    while you burn a great deal of calories riding (I totally wimped out today- I do NOT have good winter pants any more)... I just wouldn't log it.

    I think my friend said her fitbit/polroid whatever said she burned like 2000 calories riding (she was doing a run ride in the mountains- so a little more spirited than freeway riding)