Davina Fit

Hi all,

I'm a newby on the boards (but not to healthy eating/exercising!) and I was hoping that someone would be able to help me with a query with regards to logging my exercise.

I do a lot of running (which is easy to log) but I also do a lot of exercise DVDs, particularly Davina.
I'm at a bit of a loss of how to log them. For instance, Davina 'Top Fit' is an upper body workout with weights but with a few intervals to increase your heart rate. Should I just log this as low impact aerobics under cardio or do I break down the individual exercise in the 'strength training' section (sounds a bit long winded!). I also particularly like doing her 'kick fit' which is a bit of a kick boxing type aerobics routine - again I have no idea how to log? Medium impact aerobics perhaps?

Thanks in advance.



  • Katy_V
    Katy_V Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Rose

    I just log Davina or Jillian DVDs as X minutes of circuit training or calisthenics under cardio - it's not 100% accurate but then I don't have a HRM or anything like that and I always find that most workout DVDs are roughly similar in terms of exertion anyway...?!

    Hope this helps!