new and wanting to lose 100lbs

Hi there my Name is Laura I am 27 and currently live in Bradford England with my husband for nearly 5 years. I have been on this journey a while now with some success. I suffered 3 horrific miscarriages last year the first twins in January and February of last year and the third last November which resulted in me turning to food for comfort and I put a lot of weight on. I want to lose a total of 98lbs. At present I weigh 238lbs I would love to go down to 140lbs. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks but I am going to try be absolute best to get this done. I have no support network and live over 100 miles from my family. We live in the same city as my husbands family but they are not really supportive and think there is something wrong with me and that's the reason for the miscarriages. I need to lose this weight for my and my confidence and I need to remember I am worth the time and effort.

plus been looking into juicing and brought a book by Jason vale 7lbs in 7days has anyone ever tried juicing and anyone had any success? all feedback welcome as not sure whether to give it a go.

Please feel free to add me need help and motivation to get this done xx


  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    You are worth the time and effort, don't think that you aren't. Your health and well being is the most important.

    I'm sorry for the loss of the babies. I can't imagine how hard that has been for you.

    The best thing you can do for yourself and for future babies would be to get healthy. Eat well, rest, exercise. Don't worry so much about the scale, that will come. Just focus on being healthy. Enjoy food, enjoy life. Being healthy will make that better and easier.

    Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • renatewolfe
    renatewolfe Posts: 91 Member
    I have been a nurse for 17 years, overweight for 17 years, yes, since I became a nurse in my early 30's, and seriously overweight for the last 7 years. During that time, I have either tried fad diets or supplements, or watched my friends do so. Many of them were successful for short periods of time in loosing weight. All of them gained their weight back plus some. I personally never had any success with supplements or fad diets, and I can no longer take most supplements because most of them contain caffeine, and I have a cardiac arrhythmia which gets worse with caffeine. I also have MANY friends and acquaintances who have had weight loss surgery. ALL but one, have had serious complications.

    I agree with BrainyBurro, but to make it simpler, it's calories in vs calories out. I use MFP to figure the number of calories I need to eat to loose 1.5lb a week, and go by that. Since I am eating healthier, getting in my veggies, fruits and protein, I find that I am usually full, and have a hard time even eating the number of calories I am allowed. I do not ever deny myself completely, but if I want a treat, I work it into my day.

    Eat the number of calories recommended by MFP for you, get exercise, get your 8 hours of sleep and don't work night shift, and you will loose the weight. Best of luck!
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    Laura, I'm sorry 2012 was a terrible year. I hope you are able to get some counselling for your mental health as this is just as important as your physical well being.

    I found that slow and steady is more effective than big loses. Don't set yourself up for failure, as you don't need anymore disappointment

    For me, the easist way to start shedding pounds was to eat my caloric goal each day and log every thing; even when I went over 500 calories. When I was able to see what I was eating every day I knew I needed to add more vegetables and fruit and eat less treats (I didn't cut them out, just ate less). Also, I walk every day for at least 30 mins. Walking is free, easier to do than going to the gym and low impact.

    This sight is great for support and motivation. Welcome aboard,
  • ajacot924
    ajacot924 Posts: 31 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your terrible struggles.
    My husband and I have had to delay trying for a baby due to my weight and attached health issues.
    While I in no way can understand the terrible grief that comes with your loss, I know how it feels to have the added stress of wanting a child and losing weight.
    I am also sorry to hear that you do not have a strong support system.
    I am the only one in my family with weight issues. While I know my family feels sympathetic toward me, I don't think anyone can truly understand how difficult it is to lose weight until they have been there.
    I cannot offer any advice because I am just getting started, but I hope we can encourage each other through this process.
    My plan is to take one day at a time!
    Best wishes,
  • Toshad84
    Toshad84 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello Laura. I'm so sorry to hear of the pain you have been dealing with. I will keep you in my prayers. Juicing is a good way to start it will take lots of dedication. You can juice but, I wouldn't make the sole of your journey. If you have not fasted before I would encourage you to try maybe a day and test the waters and then work your way up and drink plenty of water. Changing your thought process and the way you look at food. "eating clean" is key along with exercising. I telling you from experience, I have about the same amount to lose as you do. I lost 30lbs so far. To say motivated I have a person who I ideally want to similarly look like as my goals, I listen to other people's story, get a workout with. if you cannot go walking check out youtube there are so many workout videos you can do. ( I stalk youtube lol) but for real with everything from weight lost stories, exercising and healthy cooking ideas. I hope this was helpful to you. If you like feel free to add me. God Bless :)
  • Michelle_MyBelle
    Michelle_MyBelle Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Laura! I sent you a friend request. Although I weight A LOT more than you do (307) I would also like to lose at least 100 lbs. Please do me a favor: Don't give up!! I remember weighting 240-something and thinking that I would NEVER get up to 300 lbs. Well here I am. I would give up. Try a little. Give up again. And again... Now I have even more weight to lose.

    Hubby and I have been TTC for about 5 years now. No luck. I'm hoping that by losing weight and getting healthy I am able to have a baby some day. Good luck to you and everyone else!
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    The struggles will make you stronger. I also want to lose 100 and I'll make it. Stay accountable to yourself. The social aspect of MFP will help(hoping for the same).
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Laura we seem to have a lot in common I too have had two miscarriages, no support from my husbands families boy I could tell you some mother in law stories you would not believe lol, and I too want to lose 100 pounds

    As far as the juice I have always heard that it is better not to drink your calories but you have to decide what works for you.
    Good Luck
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.

    JUST IN CASE you missed this comment, or don't think it's worth looking into^^^^ please read it again, and click on the link provided. These are people who know what they're talking about. These are the ones that will show you the way to success.

    Good luck, and I'm sorry about your miscarriages. :(
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.

    I'm sorry to hear about how difficult your life has been recently. I can't imagine what it's like but good for you for making an attempt to improve yourself. You've definitely come to the right place, and the above links are an excellent source to learn about setting some goals and getting started.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope that the rest of this year is better for you.
  • robinb07
    robinb07 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Laura-

    I'm relatively new too and also looking to lose 100 lbs. I will add you.

    I do want to say that I am terribly sorry about your losses. I cannot imagine what you have been through. And, your husbands family sound like a bunch of tools.

    Looking forward to getting to know you!

  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Best of luck to all the newbies! Remember, it really is all about the math, if you count your calories accurately, and have an appropriate calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. Find the numbers that work for you, and be very diligent about your food diary. You're worth the time and effort, don't forget that. :drinker:

    You'll hear lots of information about eating this vs eating that, doing this exercise vs doing that exercise, but if you get the basic equation right, you'll lose weight. Exercise will help your overall health, but it doesn't contribute to weight loss as much as your diet. Make sure you don't overestimate the calories you expend in exercise, it is VERY easy to do that.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.

    ^^^^This and be patient with your weight loss.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.

    ^^^100% AGREE!!!

    I started MFP back in February at 350lbs and happy to say that as of today I'm down nearly 80lbs. I DO NOT believe in fad diets, juicing, purging etc.... I maintain my weight loss by watching my calories and being moderately active. I sit behind a desk all day for work but have been taking walks on my lunch time and in the evening with my kids. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    don't juice. it's a gimmick.

    don't follow any fad diets. they only exist to separate you from your money.

    you can drop 100lbs in a year, without starving yourself and without spending money on things that you don't need and which don't work. it's all about calories in vs. calories out.

    follow the science. start reading. join the Eat Train Progress group and learn how.

    good luck.

    ^^^^This and be patient with your weight loss.

  • taamakobe
    taamakobe Posts: 2 Member
    You should be commended for all of the effort you have made thus far!! It is hard to say you want to or need to lose weight. Good on you for starting this journey!

    I think juicing is a great idea. I personally believe in the power of fruits and veggies (look into Joe Cross' "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"-it is a great motivator). From my own personal experience, juicing is very physically and mentally hard. You will go though a series of detox side affects during days 1-4. I would plan on being home and not have work or any other activities planned. Maybe shoot for 7-10 days total.

    The reason I say it's a great idea is because A) it is a good motivator; you will see a lot of weight come off and it will give you the boost to press on. B) It is likely that you are deficient in a range of vitamins and minerals if you are not currently eating a plant strong diet; juicing will refuel your cells and prepare your body for clean foods and activity.

    Also, sometimes, we just don't have the support group that we would like and that is OK. It's not ideal but its OK!!! I wanted so bad for my husband to be my biggest cheerleader and it just wasn't the case. And I was super mad that he could eat what he wanted and I had to eat my fruits and veggies and whole grains, etc. I was irritated that people thought my food choices were weird. But when I finally let it all go and said maybe my situation isn't ideal, maybe people don't want to come to the gym with me, maybe people don't like that I put myself first for an hour a day...I doesn't matter because my dreams are real, they are valid, and they are attainable. I have a right to my body and my happiness and sometimes, the negative people (even friends and relatives) have to be put on the back burner.

    You will gain supporters when they see your effort, your success, and your happiness. Best of luck!