Weight loss plateau and Hypothyroidism

Hi.. As the title says I think I hit the weight loss plateau. What makes me say so? There is absolutely no change at all in my weight from Jun-July, its more or less 3-4months now :(. I have Hypothyroidism and I take Thyroxine (25mcg) every single day.
As suggested by everyone I started taking Isopure protein (0 carbs) from 6th Sep'2013. But that didnt help much :(

My exercise remains more or less same with 90 mins w/o 5-6days per week alternating between cardio circuit and weight training. And yes I do lift pretty heavy and have been increasing the intensity. I do not understand what else I need to do. It is highly frustrating and de-motivating when there is no change at all :(

Any suggestions or advice are welcomed, Thanks


  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Hi there! Just a couple of things:

    I also have hypothyroidism and I know that I can't "fudge" calorie counts. If I'm not being accurate with my amounts and weight of my food, I will stall. My body is that sensitive to extra calories that are above the thresh hold of what I need in order to lose. Sneaking a bite or two of something (like peanut butter) over a long period of time will often do that to me.

    Make sure you're counting and weighing accurately. Too many of those "quick added calorie" days might just tip that scale from losing to maintaining.

    If you ARE counting. measuring and weighing your food accurately, you might want to rethink your calorie goals. Calorie calculators often estimate what you need, but you have to finesse it to work with your individual body. You can try reducing your calorie intake by a certain amount (for a couple of weeks) to see what you "sweet spot" is and adjust from there.

    Hope this helps!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    You might want to see your doctor and have your thyroid rechecked. I have had to have my dosage of Levothyroxine adjusted a couple of times over the past few years.
  • Two things:
    Have you had your TSH, T3 and T4 checked recently? Is it possible you might need a medication adjustment? I had a tough time losing when I was undermedicated, or when my TSH is over 2-3.

    It might be helpful to recalculate your calorie goal and look more closely into how you're measuring your food if you're not using a scale. To calculate your goal, I've found that the iifym TDEE calculator where you enter your daily activity has been the most accurate for me ( google it.)

    Hope that helps!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Admittedly I am ignorant of the side effects of your thyroid issue ad the medicine you take for it. Just some quick observations looking at your diary:

    Quick add calories are usually a sign if in accuracy. Not in all cases but for a majority of users.


    Your weekly calorie intake is higher than mine. I'm not exactly a small male and I get in 4 hour long weight training sessions a week combined with 4 cardio workouts a week (anywhere from 30-40 miles).

    Just an observation like I said.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks everyone.. I had my thyroid checked in July n it ws normal. TSH was 3 which is in normal range. I will get myself checked again soon, but any advice on breaking the plateau??
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Any more advice on breaking the plateau??
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    you are probably not going to like this, but here it is ... you are not having a calorie deficit. You either underestimating what you eat or you are overestimating your exercise burns. If you have thyroid issues it could also be that you need less calories then someone else of you size and need to adjust your calorie goal downwards.


    For me I used to use cup measures and logged about 1100 calories (and got worried and thought about eating more), I then switched to weighing and that very same food actually turned out to be 1350 odd calories. I also realised that by not logging my fish oil supplement I was missing 180 calories a day. So no I wasn't dangerously undereating, I was just fine. Good luck :-)
  • merrettk
    merrettk Posts: 3 Member
    I am also hypothyroid and on 100mcg. I have just gone gluten free which means my carbs are much lower and I eat less processed foods I dropped my calories to 1200 and exercise 6 days for 60minutes and have finally started losing. It maybe a lot harder than the average person but it is possible good luck
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Looking for more replies :(
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    There is absolutely no change at all in my weight from Jun-July, its more or less 3-4months now :(.

    Same as me. But then again, I am eating to maintain my current weight. You are most likely doing the same. There is no such thing as a plateau.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    I eat at TDEE-20% which comes to 1800-1900 cals. I work out 4-5 times a week (cardio n strength training). But last few months absolutely no change in my weight.

    My diary is open, feel free to go through it.

    Please help, I am damn frustrated with all this :(
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I have Hypothyroid as well: If your numbers are still good maybe try to eat TDEE -30%.

    I think you're focusing on your scale too much and not on other signs of health.

    Take photos and measurements to track your progress. Just because you aren't losing weight doesn't mean you aren't getting in better shape.

    If you are still lifting weights I would suggest you focus on your MACROs more. Your calories look good on day's you log, but your MACROs are never on point. When you lift weight it's good to get more protein to help rebuild the muscles, and you're protein (on the days I looked at) was never as much as its set up for.

    Being Hypothyroid does make it harder to lose weight- but it's not impossible. Don't get too discouraged and good luck finding what works for you!
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Have you taken all your measurements lately - if not first thing tomorrow take waist, hips, shoulder/bust measurement, legs and biceps. Record these this will allow you to see if other things are happening rather than just scale changes

    Also have you been to your DR and had all your levels checked? Are these still ok?

    I would also suggest dropping your calories to around 1500 cals a day for a couple of weeks, drink more water as you look like you may through the curries you are eating consuming additional sodium which can hold fluid.

    I am having a huge plateau at the moment and I try and focus on other things - like non scale victories (NSV) like I have lost 7cms off my waist in 4 weeks but no weight.

  • suryamurthy0576
    suryamurthy0576 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking at your diary for the past week, it appears that your protein intake is quite low. Most days you have a lot of protein calories left to be consumed but you have exceeded your carb and especially sugar calories.

    Try to up the protein intake. Try and include egg white omelette with atleast 2 to 3 meals. Make an omellete with 3-4 egg whites to get some substantial protein. Egg whites does not have a taste of its own and can be eaten with any south indian meal. I eat Upma with egg white omelette for example. Brown rice pulao with egg white omelette is a great combo. Initially you might find the combination weird but you get used to it.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Thank you for your replies!

    I do take measure myself on a regular basis- weekly or twice a week. I would have been happier if I had atleast inch loss coz losing on scale has always been my problem area.

    My thyroid levels are normal and within range. I take protein shake and eat eggs without much inhibition. But all that doesn't seem working :(
  • mlindenmuth36
    mlindenmuth36 Posts: 35 Member
    Are you drinking your protien shake or taking vitamins within 4 hours of taking your Thyroxine? Soy and vitamins can counteract .
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Are you drinking your protien shake or taking vitamins within 4 hours of taking your Thyroxine? Soy and vitamins can counteract .

    I take my protein shake after workout which is like 2.5hrs after my thyroid meds and multivitamins after 4 hrs. Also the protein shake I drink is Whey Isolate. Since soy affects thyroid I avoid it as much I can.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Hi.. As the title says I think I hit the weight loss plateau. What makes me say so? There is absolutely no change at all in my weight from Jun-July, its more or less 3-4months now :(. I have Hypothyroidism and I take Thyroxine (25mcg) every single day.
    As suggested by everyone I started taking Isopure protein (0 carbs) from 6th Sep'2013. But that didnt help much :(

    My exercise remains more or less same with 90 mins w/o 5-6days per week alternating between cardio circuit and weight training. And yes I do lift pretty heavy and have been increasing the intensity. I do not understand what else I need to do. It is highly frustrating and de-motivating when there is no change at all :(

    Any suggestions or advice are welcomed, Thanks

    "the weight loss plateau" is a mythical term used by people who are eating to maintain weight while actually thinking they are eating at a deficit. It is not a standard practice and procedure of weight loss. If you arent losing, you arent hitting a deficit.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    "the weight loss plateau" is a mythical term used by people who are eating to maintain weight while actually thinking they are eating at a deficit. It is not a standard practice and procedure of weight loss. If you arent losing, you arent hitting a deficit.

    ok.. you mean to say, I am eating at maintenance? I try to eat at TDEE-20% if this helps...