Quick, at home workouts???



  • nicoleisback
    Try some workouts with your kid. I know five minutes of lifting my son in the air and playing with him is better than five minutes of weights, because he squirms a bit so it works on my balance too. The best thing is my son loves it
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    If you have the space I waist hoop with a medium-weight hoop for awhile and it helps get in a few quick calories - however it does spin at kid head height so there's one major drawback :P
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    At home I do a mix of workout DVD's, running on my treadmill, and weight lifting.

    One of my favorite workouts right now that would be good if you don't have much fitness equipment yet, is a jump rope routine. All it involves is a timer and a jump rope.

    I use the GymBoss app on my phone to alternate between periods of exercise and rest.

    I jump rope (jumping with both feet at the same time) for 1min 30sec

    Followed by 30sec of rest

    The another 1min 30sec of doing a running jump rope alternating feet

    I continue this sequence, alternating types of jumps for about 20 minutes or so and am a sweaty mess by the end. I use this workout a lot for days when I don't have much time but need a big calorie burn. You can look up different ways of jumping rope online. Alternating jumps helps to spice it up. This is a fantastic workout for a beginner and you can make it more difficult as you advance.
  • jewel22887
    I find child curls (pick the child up like a bar and curl them while counting or saying the abcs they learn and think it is sooo much fun) and piggy back rides are great things to just fit into the schedule to add a little more work out with the kid. But for naps the library is a great way to go and then you can mix it up on in home videos.