Body Media/Ki Fit

So I have decided that I could really do with something that estimates my TDEE a little better and I am thinking that a Body Media is the way to go.

However, I can't find it anywhere in the UK but I have found Ki Fit. Am I right in assuming that Ki Fit own the UK patent for the Body Media device?

Also there seems to be a massive difference in price. The Body Media is $100-$120 and $7 per month but the Ki Fit is £127-£230 and £10-£20 per month and the Ki Fit says nothing about working with MFP either. I am so confused! IS it worth just getting the Body Media imported? Is that even possible? I know with the Ki Fit you can get a little read out thing but I really want to track my sleep and all the other things it does as well.

So, the bottom line of all of this is? I need help from the MFP population to tell me if what I am thinking is correct and answer some questions on the Body Media/Ki Fit. Namely, can a Body Media be imported and would tax need to be paid on that? Is it the same as the Ki Fit? Is it worth the money? And, Does the Ki Fit work with MFP?

Many Thanks!
