Uhhh can someone explain? I'm getting lost here..

Ok, I like some breakfast cereal and found out Cruesly sadly really has too many calories so that goes.
I've got Brinta in the house too as I read it is very healthy but ofcourse just about everywhere you read
that oats are most healthy.
I've gót oats..and checked them in the list and what do I see?
3 points/grams more fat that Brinta..fát that's bad isn't it?
On top of that Brinta has more carbs too.. (33 as opposed of just 29 in the oatmeal)
175 33 1 6 0 2
176 29 4 7 0 0
I'm getting confused..why is oatmeal supposed to be this good then?
These are the points for 50 gr though, I usually take no more then 40 grams, I'm just trying out different things to see what is best to eat :)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    fat is delicious.

    it's what makes everything taste good. A low fat/zero fat diet is just.. sigh- not worth living in my mind.

    I'm assuming your goal is to lose weight??

    Google TDEE/BMR. Do the plug in.

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure.(amount of calories required to maintain the life you live right now at your age/weight/height/evergy
    BMR = Basal metabolic Rate (the amount of calories you require to lay in bed comatose and survive)

    Lose weight- cut 200-500 calories OFF that TDEE.

    That's you're your calorie goal you need to shoot for.

    And google macro nutrients. this takes some trial and error- I have found I'm happy eating about 40% protein 40% fat and only 20% carbs- some people are happier with a more even split- or a higher carb- lower fat diet it (why I have no idea- but who am I to judge)

    there is no one size fits all unfortunately- you have to start with these basic tools and kind of go from there figuring out what your body is happy with- it's very trial and error.

    I would also suggest investing in a food scale- it takes the guess work out of it- scales are far more accurate than volumetric measurements like 'cups'