New here

I'm new to this site but like it so far. I'm a 33yo woman who has been overweight most of my life (all of my adult life). I've lost over 100 pounds once before, but then met my husband and started a family. Now it's time to work on me again. My goal weight is currently 180 (still have a LONG way to go), but once I get closer to that, I may lower it.

I recently started walking 3-6 times a week, about 2 miles each time. Some days I manage to get in an extra couple miles if I have time. I'm a stay at home mom, so most of my exercising includes lifting my children repeatedly with my legs while sitting or other things I can do in short reps.

I am just starting to try calorie counting - I've always found it daunting because I eat a lot of fresh foods that don't come with nutritional info on them, and a lot of small bits and pieces of things that mean I have to calculate parts of a portion or make a conversion from cups to ounces or things like that. I don't eat much "junk food", but I have an issue with portion control of those foods I do eat. I'm hoping calorie counting will help me reduce my over-eating habits.

If there is a place on here where people can discuss and get support for issues that caused them to develope bad eating habits in the first place, I would love to find them (or be invited to them). I'm still trying to work out exactly what drives my eating habits.

Sorry to be so long winded. I appreciate finding this place and am hopefull for what I may be able to accomplish with the help of this site and possibly others on here like myself.


  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Tiegrsi!
    The exercising using your kids is a great idea! Thank you for sharing it.
    MFP database has so many things in it that it makes calorie counting really easy. And what they dont have, can usually be googled. I used to be the same about counting calories but I have gotten the hang of it I think in the past month. I am pretty sure my family is tired of me telling them just how many calories they are eating when they munch on candy!!!