Can anyone help me out with my problem?

First of all i want to introduce my situation. My metabolism is very strange because my ed (please don't tell me to recovery me, because i'm just doing it, and i do have a taraphist) and that i've always been a very active person. The main problem is that i'm underweight (43 kg and 167 cm, i'm 16 years, and i'm female). I love to play sport and do physical activities, in fact i go to the gym every day (exept thoesday), and my normal workout consist in: 30 minutes of cyclette ( pretty fast), than i do 15 \ 20 minutes of strenght (abdominal, arms and legs) after strenght, i always run ( today for example i runned 25 minutes at 12 km\h speed) after this, i usaually do other abs and the upper body.
The real problem is my diet. this is my normal meal plan :
-protein : yogurt, or eggs white
-carbs : cereal or white oats
Morning snack
-protein : yogurt
-carbs : rice (50 gr) rice cakes
-protein : cottage cheese, fish
Afternoon snack
it depends on what i'm feel, and how much calories i ate or i will ate, but usually i have 1 banana
-protein : fish, or eggs

Sometimes if i'm feel too much tired i eat 30 gr of dark chocolate, or some nuts.

This is my situation, now i have some questions, and suggests.
I know that i eat too less for what i do, because is always under 1200 calories ( but at the gym i burn 500 kcal, wich it mean that i introduce in my body neither 800 calories) and i just want to have more energy, because mostly of time i feel tired and low of energy. I should gain weight , also because if i won't gain weight i will never be able to start triathlon as would i dream. Does my work out at the gym be considered a good work out? how much, and how should i eat to have more energy, and to be able to hit the gym harder? My goal is to gain weight in muscles, to be able to start triathlon before christmas. i'm 100 % determinated to eat more (eaven if it's one of the harder thing). Please help me :) tHanks!


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    hard to say if your work out is good- it's generic- abs arms legs? that could mean anything.

    and yes- eat more- at your age- you need to be eating all the things. If you can't physically consume more food (how I have no idea) pick junk food- peanut butter- avacado- ice cream- nutty butters- whatever- is high in calories. You need more food.

    protein + milk- great way to add 300 calories you can drink.