Lazy College Kid looking for motivation!

Hey guys. So I'm a 21 year old college girl looking to lose a total of 20 pounds. Hopefully 10-15 by December 14th.

Do you guys think that's a doable goal?

I've started going to the gym a few nights a week when I don't have papers to write and such. I usually run 2 miles/3 times a week. I've also been doing pretty good with what I'm eating and I'm usually under my calorie goal!

Any motivation or types would be great. My big motivation right now is trying to look good for my boyfriend's cousin's Bar Mitzvah on December 14th. But so far that hasn't been enough motivation to get me to the gym lately haha.


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    probably pretty unrealistic. Your main priority is school papers.. as it should be.
  • nikkivarts
    nikkivarts Posts: 7 Member
    Whoa this is crazy because I want to lose 20 lbs by the middle or end of December as well! I lost weight once, about 20 pounds, and it took me about 4-5 months. But I'm determined to lose at least 10-15 by December too. Feel free to add me and we can chat & help motivate each other!
  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    10-15 pounds in 2 months is a little high, but not completely impossible. I say just do the best you can, and you lose what you lose. Having an event you want to look good for is a great motivator, but I have another one for you.

    When I was in college, my goal was to lose somewhere around 20 pounds, by... whenever I could. But I was a lazy college student and just couldn't get serious about it. I'm now about to turn 27 and have about 30 pounds to lose. After college, working a full time job, depending on what line of work you end up in, makes it really difficult to find the time and energy to exercise and cook healthy foods. In retrospect, I wish that I had gotten myself into a better exercise and eating regimen when I was younger and had more opportunity to do so, so that it wouldn't be so hard to get myself into it now. I feel like had I made it more of a priority in college, it would have stayed a priority, and been more of a lifestyle by now, rather than something I'm just now trying to implement.

    Please don't make the same mistake I did. Start making the changes now and get yourself into a healthy lifestyle routine now so you can hold onto that as you get older.

    Good luck to you!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Sounds like youre doing well exercise wise. I suggest bringing healthy snacks to school with you & drink diet pop/energy drinks instead of regular ones (if you drink them). I gained most my college weight from drinks & fast food. Good luck! I've lost 27 in 3 months so its possible to drop 15-20 in 2 months if you're overweight. If not, 10lbs is more realistic. Good luck!