Anybody else worried about the US defaulting this week?

HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
I feel jittery about the politics in Washington and a possible default, so I bought extra food today for myself, my 2 cats and my collie. I'm more worried about my pets than I am about myself. I looked up what happened to Greece and Argentina, countries that both defaulted (Greece a year ago and Argentina about 10 years ago). Scary. People in those countries rioted and the banks wouldn't let them have their money.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Did you feel jittery last time too?
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    To be honest, no, I didn't worry that much about it before. They have about 24 hours left.

    I'm originally from Washington, D.C. and live in a small town in another state now. I've seen a lot of political hot air in my life, but it seems different now, two sides that can't meet in the middle.
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    I feel jittery about the politics in Washington and a possible default, so I bought extra food today for myself, my 2 cats and my collie. I'm more worried about my pets than I am about myself. I looked up what happened to Greece and Argentina, countries that both defaulted (Greece a year ago and Argentina about 10 years ago). Scary. People in those countries rioted and the banks wouldn't let them have their money.

    I am very worried. I told my husband to withdraw a few thousand dollars from the bank and hide it at home. This could be bad.
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    I hope the US does default.... better now than later
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    To be honest, no, I didn't worry that much about it before. They have about 24 hours left.

    I'm originally from Washington, D.C. and live in a small town in another state now. I've seen a lot of political hot air in my life, but it seems different now, two sides that can't meet in the middle.

    We've been on the verge several times. I'm assuming you're just now paying attention.
  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    I hope the US does default.... better now than later

    That is just stupid. Washington is a mess but a default helps no one. They need to get their heads out of their partisan a$$es and govern and lead. Some of us have been out of work for over two weeks now and would like a pay check.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I feel jittery about the politics in Washington and a possible default, so I bought extra food today for myself, my 2 cats and my collie. I'm more worried about my pets than I am about myself. I looked up what happened to Greece and Argentina, countries that both defaulted (Greece a year ago and Argentina about 10 years ago). Scary. People in those countries rioted and the banks wouldn't let them have their money.

    I am very worried. I told my husband to withdraw a few thousand dollars from the bank and hide it at home. This could be bad.

    what's your address again?
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    Both parties are responsible.
  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    Every single elected official in Washington!!!!!! I wish we could throw them all out and start over.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I hope the US does default.... better now than later

    That is just stupid. Washington is a mess but a default helps no one. They need to get their heads out of their partisan a$$es and govern and lead. Some of us have been out of work for over two weeks now and would like a pay check.
    I watch the us morning shows every morning at the gym. As a cdn civil servant I just feel so bad for those of you that are just out of work and yet the politicians are still pulling a paycheque...
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    Every single elected official in Washington!!!!!! I wish we could throw them all out and start over.

  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    This thread is not going to end well......
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    221 Republicans and 7 Democrats voted to shut down the government, so to say I blame both sides would feel silly to me.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    221 Republicans and 7 Democrats voted to shut down the government, so to say I blame both sides would feel silly to me.

    Was the vote to actually shut down the government? Or to not approve a budget?
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    Every single elected official in Washington!!!!!! I wish we could throw them all out and start over.

    Still try to figure out the differences between how the us and canada fed governments worked. What I do know is when this type of situation happened before in Canada, it was a minority government and it forced an election. I felt that gave the taxpayers more power than just sitting there helplessly watching the politicians play silly games. It's not a game it's ur lives.
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    I hope the US does default.... better now than later

    That is just stupid. Washington is a mess but a default helps no one. They need to get their heads out of their partisan a$$es and govern and lead. Some of us have been out of work for over two weeks now and would like a pay check.

    Ya you're right.... lets just keep massive QE and remove the debt ceiling completely

    crony capitalism has worked great this far right?
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    Both sides are responsible. Right now it looks like each side is arguing for their goals and not looking at the good of the nation.

    The Republican argument, as much as I understand it, is that we have a huge national debt and Obamacare will just increase the debt. The Democrats say Obamacare is the law, was approved by Congress and the Senate, and was upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court. The Republicans counter that the sequester, the spending caps, are also the law. The Democrats counter that when Congress approves spending for laws that they've passed, then they have to honor payment for our debts. The Tea Party is the difference between this time and the past. They don't seem willing to compromise. Principles are one thing, but if the country defaults and people end up starving then principles aren't going to matter.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I hope the US does default.... better now than later

    That is just stupid. Washington is a mess but a default helps no one. They need to get their heads out of their partisan a$$es and govern and lead. Some of us have been out of work for over two weeks now and would like a pay check.

    Ya you're right.... lets just keep massive QE and remove the debt ceiling completely

    crony capitalism has worked great this far right?

    Meh, the debt ceiling is worthless anyway and isn't even the problem.
  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    Who do you guys hold responsible for this - the republicans? It's horrible that that the situation makes ordinary people worry... life's hard enough. :(

    221 Republicans and 7 Democrats voted to shut down the government, so to say I blame both sides would feel silly to me.

    And here we go...... Just because the Republicans didn't vote on what the Democrats wanted doesn't mean they shut down the government. Reid and Obama could have accepted what the house approved, so really, they shut down the government. Everything is supposed to start in the house.

    That being said, the ACA is a law, fund it and let it work or fail on its own. I say go through the "clean" bill the liberals want and pull out all the bull$hit we don't need. I am sure there is a ton of pork in their "clean" bill.
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