Need Advice

I'm 36, and 5'7"...right now i'm bouncing between 180 and 183. MFP has me set at a 1590 calorie goal, that's with being lightly active and wanting to loose 1lb a week. My diary is open

My problem is i keep plateauing, I get stuck bouncing 3 lbs up and down and it's frustrating. I log everything i eat (minus the occasional piece of sugar free gum), and i even weigh most of the items. The things i don't weigh is the prepackaged single serve type items. I don't eat out anymore, and i make most of my meals w/ my crock pot using the recipe maker.

I work the night shift, so i log my food from when i wake up, to when i go to bed, not by midnight to midnight. When i get home from work i take my dog out for a mile or so walk, then walk about 3 miles on my tredmill (various speeds and incline) while watching whatever was DVR'd while i was at work. I have a fitbit, so i don't actually enter any exercises into mfp. But i know that the fitbit will overestimate calorie burns, so i don't know how much of what it gives me to eat back.

I know "how" and the logistics of loosing weight, i've already lost almost 50lbs....but i still have 30 lbs left and it doesn't want to seem to GO! I'm just looking for advice from ppl looking thru my diary on what i could do to help kick my body into "Lose mode" again!

*edit* I also "pre log" food that i brought to work with me, and will eat later. Most of the time i eat it all, but sometimes end up deleting things at the end of the day cuz i just didn't "feel" like eating a certain item at the time.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The mount of walking you do doesnt sound light active to me... if you dont want to log exercise cals then make sure your activity setting is correct.

    i would also suggest you change your exercise routine, as your body gets used to the same thing and becomes more efficient - go swimming, biking etc and try adding some strenght/resistance training to your routine.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Well, my 2 cents is... Lower your carbs by 1/2 at least and eat more green leafy veggies. I don't even see much in veggies other than a cucumber once in awhile.

    I too work the night shift and I log from time I get up, to time I go to bed. I eat 6 times a day, 3 meals, 3 snacks. I have an open food diary, take a look. I am diabetic and my carbs are really low, usually 100 or less for the day.

    Before I found out I was diabetic though, I had figured out, that lower carbs, more veggies that are lower carbs (lettuce, mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower etc) seems to do the trick on weight loss.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Honestly I found that weight training 2-3 days a week is what makes the biggest difference when i get stuck. It sounds like you may just have been doing the same routine for a while, the longer you do the same routine the easier the activity gets for your body to do and thus you burn less calories doing it. Maybe try adding in some weight training and see if it makes a difference
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    Most of the veggies i eat are in the recipe's i make. Like the Rice & Lentils has a container of spinach, 2 grated carrots, diced tomatoes and an eggplant. I usually make my dinner on Monday thru the crock pot, portion it into 5 or 6 containers and bring it with me to work each day. I don't mind raw veggies, i use to eat a salad of some sort everyday, but i got tired of romaine lettuce after awhile lol

    As for my activity level, i just went with the one that sounded most like my job. I work at a daycare front desk, so most of my night is sitting at the computer doing files and what not. Only thing i make sure i do everyday is walk at least 10k steps!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    As for my activity level, i just went with the one that sounded most like my job. I work at a daycare front desk, so most of my night is sitting at the computer doing files and what not. Only thing i make sure i do everyday is walk at least 10k steps!!

    MFP is set up that you eat back exercise calories... so if you dont do this you need to change your activity setting, or use the TDEE method.
  • Ladygirl14
    Ladygirl14 Posts: 8 Member
    You might want to also look at your sodium intake as you may be retaining water