slimming world

just wondering if
any one doing slimming world plan
does the calorie counting confuse you


  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I used to do the Slimming World plan for some time, to be honest I think it's one of the better 'diets' out there because it really does teach you a healthy way of eating and cooking, and you should never feel hungry. However I found it quite restrictive and you need a lot of prep time which I didn't always have. The other thing I didn't understand was 'free food' - fruit and veg can mount up in calories if you eat enough, let alone pasta, rice, meat, potatoes! It taught me nothing of portion sizes and eventually I stopped losing weight.

    You will get used to calorie counting, I found it very hard going from Slimming World to here because I realised how many calories were actually in things that I was 'allowed' to eat a tonne of before, but I think that calorie counting is much better and much less restrictive, and it teaches you portion and macro control. And, it's free. :)
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    I used to do the Slimming World plan for some time, to be honest I think it's one of the better 'diets' out there because it really does teach you a healthy way of eating and cooking, and you should never feel hungry. However I found it quite restrictive and you need a lot of prep time which I didn't always have. The other thing I didn't understand was 'free food' - fruit and veg can mount up in calories if you eat enough, let alone pasta, rice, meat, potatoes! It taught me nothing of portion sizes and eventually I stopped losing weight.

    You will get used to calorie counting, I found it very hard going from Slimming World to here because I realised how many calories were actually in things that I was 'allowed' to eat a tonne of before, but I think that calorie counting is much better and much less restrictive, and it teaches you portion and macro control. And, it's free. :)

    Agree with above. Lost near 6 stone sworld but stayed there for over 18 months! Doing calorie counting kick-started me to lose another stone since.

    Once get to my goal will adapt sworld and calorie counting to maintain.

    I really miss pasta as eat it by the buckets at sworld but once I'm confident to eat more carbs again won't go near the amount I used to with SW.

    Defo recommend SW to anyone out there. Changed mine and friends lifes. Even their parents did it after seeing how I got on!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    I really miss pasta as eat it by the buckets at sworld but once I'm confident to eat more carbs again won't go near the amount I used to with SW.

    That's what got me too - 100g of pasta is 360 calories, and I'd eat probably double that on SW! No idea how I ever lost weight. :laugh:

    One thing it was fantastic for though was teaching me how to cook healthily - in fact even 3 years on a lot of my recipes are slimming world style.
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    Just started yesterday. I can't wrap my brain around how it works to be honest. I'm not going crazy with the portions or anything, it's just nice to be able to eat like a real human; I have a client lunch this afternoon and restaurant food can be stressful for things like WW or MFP but I like that I'll be able to order salmon and potatoes. I hope this works, it just feels so odd!

    Do you mean the calorie counting on MFP? I haven't logged in a long time just because the last time I did MFP I barely lost anything so I wasn't going to drive myself crazy, but I do think it would be very confusing to see you've eaten 3000 calories but perfecting on plan with SW.

    Feel free to add me, SWers! I'm in Canada where we have no groups so the more the better! :):)
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Just eat. And if you think this is too much that's natural. For the first month you will feel greedy but if you follow the plan you WILL lose.

    I keep telling my friend's fiancé to eat more and he does and keeps losing. Eventually you will adapt to smaller portions as that's the plan
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Since using MFP I haven't been able to follow slimming world, knowing how many calories is in pasta and things like bananas. You could eat pasta, bananas and muller light yoghurts all day on slimming world.

    Having said that, I do know a lady who is doing amazing with them. She's lost almost 9 stone and is only 2 stone to target now and still losing like 3lbs a week.
  • posyrosy
    so how do you calorie count
    do u stop syning guys