I don't understand it

I've been trying really hard over the last 3-4 weeks, logging everything I eat and drink and not going over my daily limits, and I've been out running every day before work (2.5-3 miles a day). Yesterday I ran three miles, and then walked 4 miles at quite a pace, and today I've put on 3lbs!
How is that even possible? I am so grumpy now because of it and really quite gutted. I am going for a run after work tonight (another 3 miles) and will have another sensible dinner, but I am really starting to feel like whatever I do nothing is going to change.


  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    did you check your weight after eating meals?
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Firstly, your body weight can fluctuate by several pounds per day, so it's better to weigh less often and record long term trends.

    Either, you have weighed just before or during your period, after you've eaten a meal when you last weighed in the morning, you have water retention for some other reason, or you're underestimating calories eaten/overestimate calories burnt.

    On the absolutely rare occasion that none of the above is true, you should see a doctor, but it's more than likely that it's one of the things I suggested.

    You'll probably get people saying you've gained muscle.. but if you're eating to a calorie deficit there's no way you'd gain 3lbs of muscle in 3 weeks. If it was that easy everyone would be muscly (I know you haven't said that, but I'm sure some will).
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    3lb is nothing in the water retention world. Keep doing what you're doing and it will come off. If you are eating at a calorie deficit you WILL lose weight.

    Opening your diary will help too.
  • AdamFoureyes
    AdamFoureyes Posts: 18 Member
    Muscle growth due to running? although if you can run that far within 3-4 weeks you must already have been a runner. could be bad recording of food? although its frustrating its easily done, but when it happens to me i just need to rememebr that im not magically going to get heavier, either i didnt enter enough food, or i over estimated the exercise (or i grew lots of new muscles).