PCOS support and advice

Hi, this is my 1st post on here.
I was diagniosed with PCOS 15 years ago. I also have underactive thyroid and a defective gene which cause weight gain.
I recently had a full blood count done which shows me as "text book" what people aim to achieve, no increased sugar/gluclose levels. Internally im fine. Externally im a mess. Need to lose at least 90lbs! :noway:
I realy try to look after myself; I go to the gym 3-4 times per week, eat less than 1500 calories per day- still dont lose anything.
I started on metformin today to see if that will help with weight loss.
Also have done some research into what diet works best for PCOS sufferers- conclusion: Im going to try low GI.
All support welcome. Maybe we can help each other??:smile: