Let me introduce...me.

terrys_girl Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I am 35 years old and 265 lbs at 5"3". I am tired of being tired and sick of being sick. If I don't get healthy I will die and I know this. I need to love me enough to stick with it this time and hope this site will assist with that. By seeing what I am doing I can't continue to make excuses for the little "slips" that add up so quickly. The truth may be painfull...but I think death would be worse. Don't want to find out. I heard someone on a morning talk show mention this site and how it helped her to lose 142 lbs. If she can do it, SO CAN I!!!!!


  • Hi,Terrys_girl! I just saw the same show on TV and like you I've been sick and tired of having all the aches whenever I try to do something just because of the weight. I'm 32 y/o, 5 ft and 180 lbs. I've been married for 7 yrs. and me and my husband really wants to have a child. That is one reason I want to lose all this weight.... I want to be a mom. And also I'm sick and tired of always being stared at by people.I really don't know how this site really works so I hope you and I could help each other.:smile:
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    Welcome to a great community, please utilize all the tools and friends you will develop here as you start your journey. Understand that you ultimately have to put forth all the effort, but you will find so much support from everyone as they get to know you and give you reasons to work through the rough periods and the cheat periods.You will receive motivation to keep you pushing forward towards your goals which you can attain by changing your life.
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