What is your motivation?



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  • My motivation is a picture of myself at my nursing graduation. By far the worst I've ever seen. I'll graduate in January with an advanced degree, and I WILL look good in that photo.

    Also, I just want to weigh less than my husband. I still can't fathom how he eats so much and stays in relatively decent shape. Lucky so-and-so...
  • Sekxy49
    Sekxy49 Posts: 104 Member
    When I began nearly a year ago, one day my mind was set & determined to do the right thing for myself. Exercise & minimize more of what I eat. Already I had eliminated sodas, beer and fast food cheeseburgers from my daily menu. This was not enough, maintaining my weight & settling for was overrated in my books!!

    Today, my motivation is to keep what I've worked hard at obtaining. Formerly a size 8 (bordering on a 10 again); now a size 6 and in some instances a 4! I sleep better, feel better...always moving around doing something to keep my metabolism up!

    As my hubby says, "you make 50 look amazing!!"
  • My motivation was a couple of things.
    This time last year I was in a tight 26w jeans. It was a big wake-up call. It seemed every year I was going up a size.
    Also, I am going to be 30 next year. I really feel like I have wasted most of my 20's on being overweight, self-conscious and unhappy with myself.
    My mom and grandmother are overweight and I don't want that to be me. I want to have a long, happy life and enjoy the time I have here.
    Already I feel so much better mentally and physically. I won't go back to where I was.

    This is me, too! I capped out at size 20, but I'm 5'2 so it's bad. I am also 29 and agree with everything you said. Good luck!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    My motivation has changed since the start of my journey, when i first started i just no longer wanted to be obese/overweight which i have been for as long as I have remembered. In the past few months my new motivation is still to be a "normal weight" but my main motivation is to look good naked, I don't mind admiting it but Ive never thought I was looking mainly due to my weight and specially when stark b*ll*cks naked. So when I finally get to my goal, i don't care how long I want to finally say while looking in a mirror "damn you look good"
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    The fact that I loathe being fat. I started getting fat in the first grade or so, but I became aware of my fatness in the 5th or 6th grade.

    After that awareness everything just felt wrong. I felt like I wasn't meant to be fat, even as a kid. It felt like walking around in somebody else's body, and hating every moment of it. I can not begin to tell you what a detrimental effect that has on a person's life, down to the very decisions you make about how you live your life.

    Not feeling at home in my own body has always been more than motivation enough. Adding on to that, I've now had the misfortune of watching weight related issues, both psychological and physiological, help devastate some of the people I love the most. So after years of fits, starts, trials, errors, triumphs, and failures, finally being at the best place I've ever been with myself, my body, and food, finding a way that works extremely well for me, has been the final piece in the puzzle to turn that strong motivation into perpetual action.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    My motivation is very simple. I've been on dialysis for 3 years and I want a kidney. I went to the doctor and he told me that if I didn't show weight loss in three months, I would be taken off of the list and never allowed to have a kidney transplant at that hospital. That scared me, but it worked. I've since been back to the doctor who bragged on my efforts and accomplishments. I am now elgible for a kidney transplant, but I don't see any reason to stop now. In fact, the healthier my weight at the time of the transplant, the less likely my body will reject it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Once I wrapped my brain around the fact that there really is no finish line, I stopped worrying so much about the little things and started to really be able to see the much bigger picture...I started to see that it wasn't all about dropping X Lbs per week...it wasn't about hitting some arbitrary goal weight by some arbitrary date or fitting into some pants or whatever...it's not about what's necessarily happening today or tomorrow or next week.

    It's really all about being the best you can be in the moment...it's about being better today than you were yesterday...it's about sleeping well with the knowledge that tomorrow you will be more awesome than you were today or yesterday. It's all about knowing that next year at this time you will be more awesome than you are right now...it's about the next 5, 10, 20 years and then some...it's about the rest of your life and making a choice as to what you are going to be the rest of your life. It's about your health and well being...it's about being able to spend those later years in life traveling the world with my SO rather than hold up in some hospital bed. It's about being around for as long as I possibly can...watching my kids grow up, get married, have kids of their own.

    I don't give a damn about what size my pants are...or what my weight is...or whether I have six pack abs or whatever. I just care about being healthy and being the best me that I can possibly be....and every day I am more awesome.
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    I don't want to be a fat, unhealthy old person who shuffles her feet and is limited to the places I'm able to go. I want to be a strong, athletic, mature person who can go anywhere and do anything. I want to be that person who people guess 20 years younger than I really am. I want to be proud of who I have worked so hard to become, and I don't want my children to be embarrassed by who I let myself be. I want to be exactly who God created me to be, not a lump on the couch. :)
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I want my son to have someone to look up to throughout his life. To be honest I'm a pretty large **** up with a lot of things but if there's one thing I'm to get right it is going to be being the best father I can be to him and that starts by setting a good example.
  • My health. I was healthy and fairly fit, and then I had a heart problem, needed surgery and I thought I was going to die. It was a bad cycle - my heart didn't like the exercise, and I had a hard time recovering. I gained a lot of weight back and I know that exercise and prudent eating habits is the key to be in control of my BP and my otherwise escalated heart rate. I deserve to be feel great and look great. Now, if I can just stick with that it will be a good thing.
  • I tell myself, I've come too far to give up.
  • All my life i've always been the fat girl, i cannot remember a single time in my life where i was fit. I am obese now, my motivation is to get in shape and be the healthiest i can be, because honestly all these diseases and health problems are scaring me. I also want to look good naked, it may be stupid, but i really want this for me, no boyfriend stories or anything, i want to look in the mirror and LOVE the way i look. I cannot handle being fat anymore, and no matter how much it takes i will just keep going until i reach my goal, then keep living healthy for the rest of my life !
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I am a cancer survivor and that is my motiviation. Survivor. I owe it to myself to take care of myself. I was given a second chance and I won't take that for granted. I'm not aiming for the imaginary "perfect body" I am aiming for the strong, powerful and healthy body. I never know if the cancer will come back and I want to make sure if it does, that I can fight and win.
  • Once I wrapped my brain around the fact that there really is no finish line, I stopped worrying so much about the little things and started to really be able to see the much bigger picture...I started to see that it wasn't all about dropping X Lbs per week...it wasn't about hitting some arbitrary goal weight by some arbitrary date or fitting into some pants or whatever...it's not about what's necessarily happening today or tomorrow or next week.

    It's really all about being the best you can be in the moment...it's about being better today than you were yesterday...it's about sleeping well with the knowledge that tomorrow you will be more awesome than you were today or yesterday. It's all about knowing that next year at this time you will be more awesome than you are right now...it's about the next 5, 10, 20 years and then some...it's about the rest of your life and making a choice as to what you are going to be the rest of your life. It's about your health and well being...it's about being able to spend those later years in life traveling the world with my SO rather than hold up in some hospital bed. It's about being around for as long as I possibly can...watching my kids grow up, get married, have kids of their own.

    I don't give a damn about what size my pants are...or what my weight is...or whether I have six pack abs or whatever. I just care about being healthy and being the best me that I can possibly be....and every day I am more awesome.

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Initially it was the thought of losing weight that motivated me. I was cruising on up to obese and this was not a good look on me. So I lost some weight.

    Then I found weight lifting, and it stopped being so much about getting the pounds off of me, and more about getting the pounds on the bar, and how much I could actually pick up. When I started? I couldn't pick up much, LOL...but I loved it and kept with it.

    Now it's the idea that perhaps, before I turn 50 in 2015, I can get myself to where I can, if I so choose, enter a competition. Fifty used to scare the hell out of me (in my mind, 50=old), but now? So yeah, I guess I'm vain enough to want to be the hottest 50 year old on the block. :wink:

    I think, for myself, anyway, it's about always having a goal; just that "something" that I work toward. I know competition is a long term goal, but on the shorter end of the spectrum? By December 31, I want to do one unassisted pull-up, be able to deadlift more than my body weight (like, maybe 1.5x?), and be closer to squatting my body weight. The fact that I love doing it (I mean I look forward to my lift days) keeps me from having to feel "motivated."
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    My motivation has changed since the start of my journey, when i first started i just no longer wanted to be obese/overweight which i have been for as long as I have remembered. In the past few months my new motivation is still to be a "normal weight" but my main motivation is to look good naked, I don't mind admiting it but Ive never thought I was looking mainly due to my weight and specially when stark b*ll*cks naked. So when I finally get to my goal, i don't care how long I want to finally say while looking in a mirror "damn you look good"

    yeah, pretty much this!

    Right now I'm 2 lbs from goal but I still don't like what I see naked in the mirror. I'm going change my goal to lose 10 more lbs once I hit goal. Oh, and I'm going on a cruise in 60 days, so wearing a bikini is always a good motivator!!
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want another baby!!! I have a few issues that are only magnified by being heavier than healthy... So I want to be healthy with FANTASTIC blood pressure and a few pounds lighter. I dont have a magic number, just want to be healthy! Getting a pain in my chest and automatically thinking it has to be a heart attack or some sort of blockage is SCARY and having that fear all the time, is not letting me live the life I want... with a house full of babies and being able to run after each of them! :)
  • Adopting a child, and the country has a weight limit.
  • l0l0p
    l0l0p Posts: 167 Member
    I desire to be a better person than the one I am yesterday.:wink: