New without a clue

Im praying you all can guide me through this! Ive spent the first 1/2 of my life underweight. In my 40's still trying to get up to 105 lbs.
Have always ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Prefer salads fruits and veggies over meats BUT love sweets and pasta.
In the past if I got busy I wouldnt think to eat and my "diet" might consist of nothing at all till about 2 pm and then a soda and candy bar and only real meal dinner. Another day I might just munch all day long. But was always skinny. Two years ago I had back surgery and everything changed. Now I feel like if I look at a picture of food I gain! Im up to 132 lbs and while that may not sound like alot its the biggest Ive ever been ( 5'2") but that isnt even the number that drives me insane. Even after three kids and a hysterectomy, my waist was still holding between 24 and 26 " NOW it is 37"!!!!!!! I cant find jeans to fit anymore because in order to zip, they are super baggy in the legs. I HATE this!!! I dont even know how to diet, since Ive never had to loose weight before. Exercising is a challenge. Back screams at any thing for abs, knees hate lunges and squats. But Ive quit smoking (19 days) and I'll be $%^& if Im going to sit back and gain even more weight because Im not smoking! I want the stomach gone and my health back! First day here....yep Im 300 calories under and in "starvation mode" Go figure! So am I to understand I need to eat more to weigh less???? My day consisted of slim fast shake, cottage cheese with pears, string cheese, grapes and a fish sandwich on wheat.... 48 oz water and 8 oz blueberry juice. Im full and content but apparently starving???? So I eat more tomorrow so I can loose weight????


  • happily
    happily Posts: 72 Member
    Hard as it is to believe, yes, you need to eat more to lose weight!

    I went years and years thinking that one meal a day was fine, and wondered why I was so fat. People at work would comment all the time that I never seemed to eat.

    I had trained my body to be content with 800-900 calories/day. It was VERY hard to make myself eat enough at first.

    I started here July 8th. The first week or so, I did gain a pound. Since then, I've lost just like I'm supposed to.

    Eat right. Exercise. Drink water.

  • animatedbecca
    WOW! Thanks for the link Shannon! Im off to eat a slimfast bar and a banana :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Not sure if I can help, as you have some extra challanges. I am avoiding back surgery by losing weight. I spoke to the surgeon, didn't like the options and wanted to lose 50 pounds and see what difference that makes. In the process, I've seen chiropractors, Massage therapists, kinesiologist, and now I am learning pilates. Exercise has been my main method of losing weight. Even when I had to take 2months off because of another "back episode". I used my time off work and life to learn how my nutrition was doing on this site. I exercised what I could, and planned what I would do when I was better. Amazingly I got through with a few pounds lost. I am sure your back is one reason why you are losing weight, but you also have other health issues. Did your doctor have any advice? Maybe there is thyroid/hormonal things that have changed for you, that should be looked into. We are here for support as you give this a go. Best of Luck.
  • animatedbecca
    I had two herniated discs in my lower back and one in my neck. Refused the surgery and went to a chiro for spinal decompression until I finally decided he was never going to stop having me come in as long as I was willing to keep bringing him $$$. SOmehow convinced me to come for two more months after I had already decided what he was doing wasnt working! LOL! Sure enough another MRI showed the bulge was worse after the decompression than before. The surgeons game plan was to fix the back and then after 8 weeks recovery do the neck. That was 2 years ago and I havent convinced myself the pain is bad enough to go in for the "repair". Crazy thing is I never had a backache before! Unbelievable sciatic nerve pain down my leg so bad I could barely walk at times, but the back never hurt until after the surgery! So Im not jumping under the knife for my neck anytime soon.Bloodwork never shows any issues with thyroid or hormones.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Yikes. Sounds like you've got a speed bumps on your road. Hope you keep positive and determined. You have the advantage of enjoying a healthy diet. Keep at it. Be-friend me if you need a sympathetic buddy.
  • animatedbecca
    WIll do! Can always use a buddy :)