To introduce myself...

Hi, my name is dimitra and I am from Greece so forgive me for the mistakes that I may do!:)
I am 18 years old and I always remember myself as an overweight child.Now I am 180 pounds and my final goal is 130 pounds.
I had been on a diet about 3 years ago and I lost 15 pounds but then the holidays came and I gained them all back, since then I have also gained 13 more pounds!
Now me and my mother are on a balanced diet with the help of a dietician and I have lost (only) 3,5 pounds in three weeks.
my problem is that I really love sweets and especially chocolate and I would really appreciate some support during my effort and of course I would love to support others too! So any adds are welcome!(and specially the chocolate lovers!:-p)


  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    Already added obviously, but welcome! Have a dreadful sweet tooth myself. We can do this!