Tu Forma Natural

Tu Forma Natural is your system to lose weight and reach your goals through Auriculotherapy and nutritional knowledge.

They use auriculotherapy to positively stimulate your nervous and digestive systems, by temporarily placing disposable tiny stainless steel or gold pellets at specific locations in your ear, making your body feel better.

I did this at the begining of the year & in 8 weeks lost 23lbs. My goal was to loose 30 for my sons High School Graduation. I stopped going after he graduated & gained 22lbs back! =(

Has anyone ever tried Tu Forma Natural??


  • mardana2000
    mardana2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I am interested to try this, I sow I can buy the stuff online but I am curious about the diet, I just met someone and she had a brochure with sh was allowed to eat, just for one week:(
    Do you have the brochures?
    I am interested.
    Thank you.