Fell off the Wagon again

Hi everyone. I wonder how many of you go through this also. I have been around MFP for awhile so I'm not new here by any means.

I got caught up with life and fell off the fitness wagon. I know I need to jump back on it and the sooner the better. I went from 220lbs. down to 190lbs. I have been packing on the weight am back up to about 198 or so I love working out and did it passionately for many months. In August my wife started going to night school there by interrupting my schedule, my children started soccer, and ...... yada yada yada .I have a few more excuses also but when it boils down to it they are all just excuses and ultimately it is up to me to make time and not excuses.

OH Man somebody grab my hand I'm trying to get back up/on!!