Extreme lack of appetite/Eating below BMR

So, as a wonderful side effect from new meds, my appetite is gone, Like zero. I know I need to eat, so I do, and I eat pretty healthy stuff aside from the random special K granola bar or clif bar, but I am Still WAY under my BMR/TDEE. Like 50% or more below.

Now, being morbidly obese (489lbs currently, down from 602, very large frame) and eating 16-1800 net calories a day plus an hour of treadmill cardio 5x a week, am I doing myself any real harm? I could see if I was at 220 and doing this, but does being as heavy as I am provide some kind of cushion for being able to continue at these levels? Some days I feel like I have to force myself to even hit 1500 calories when eating where I am just not hungry and a "normal" portion makes me feel like I am uncomfortably stuffed for hours.

One thing the lack of appetite has definitely helped with is my boredom eating, that has completely stopped and after starting the new meds (NOT a diet pill FTR) I saw a 30 pound drop in about 12 days (Assuming LOTS of water), and have noticed definite changes in my clothes fitting, etc.

Diary is open, feel free to suggest. I just don't want to lose the fat at the cost of my overall health.



  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    I honestly dont see anything wrong with netting 1800 cals especially if they are nutrient rich cals. I do believe that a calorie is a calorie as far as weight loss is concerned but not for overall health. If you are only eating 1800 cals/day, make sure they are packed with all the nutrients that you need to keep your body healthy and nourished. Eat when you are hungry. Dont when you arent. However, I am not a physician so please dont rely on my 0.02, check with your physician.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    First things first, you should check with your doctor about this to see if this is a normal side effect, and how long it'll last.

    Eating below your BMR is never good, but I believe you may have a little wiggle room since as you said you're obese. Even then though, you shouldn't continue this (unintentional) very low calorie pattern for long.

    Try eating calorie dense items like peanut butter, olive oil and nuts. You can even try a protein shake with PB, fruit, ice cream, etc to get your calories higher. Choosing super calorie dense items or drinking your calories will get you to where you need to be for the day calorie-wise, without making you feel as if you're stuffing yourself.

    Good luck!
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    I'm having the same issue. I weight out my food and after a few bites I'm done. Like I feel the food is actually just hanging out in my throat. So I wait a few minutes till it goes down then basically make myself eat the rest because its literally just one serving size portion that I need to eat. I started on Wellbutrin SR 2 weeks ago.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Please message me the name of drug I am a nursing student and you got me wondering if you don't mind. But as a friend (not a nurse) I would say you should be fine at my top weight I didn't always eat all the much calories as long as I felt okay and was eating often I didn't worry. I would suggest taking a multivitamin daily as well also maybe a protein shake or bar you have to make sure you are getting enough protein because that is a form of energy f your body (kind of like carbs are but protein lasts a lot longer and don't give you the crash feeling after 2 hours). As a nursing student I would suggest talking to the same doctor that prescribed this and ask for his/her opinion.

    Plus if you give me the name and dose of the drug I will share with you what my drug book has to say.

    Best of luck to you,

    Edit: just thought about this do you have diabetes? If so this is not okay you need to talk to your doctor ASAP
  • Routerninja
    Please message me the name of drug I am a nursing student and you got me wondering if you don't mind. But as a friend (not a nurse) I would say you should be fine at my top weight I didn't always eat all the much calories as long as I felt okay and was eating often I didn't worry. I would suggest taking a multivitamin daily as well also maybe a protein shake or bar you have to make sure you are getting enough protein because that is a form of energy f your body (kind of like carbs are but protein lasts a lot longer and don't give you the crash feeling after 2 hours). As a nursing student I would suggest talking to the same doctor that prescribed this and ask for his/her opinion.

    Plus if you give me the name and dose of the drug I will share with you what my drug book has to say.

    Best of luck to you,

    Edit: just thought about this do you have diabetes? If so this is not okay you need to talk to your doctor ASAP

    No diabetes, doc also says this is a very normal side effect and not to worry unless I start having dizziness issues consistent with low blood sugar, etc. He didn't seem concerned about the low calories but I am a little worried is all.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    edited to delete 1st paragraph after seeing your doc is ok with your calories

    My only other advice would be to switch out some of your foods. Go with full fat yogurt and have a high calorie protein bar instead of one of those special k snack bars. They're just as tasty and will give you extra nutritional value and the extra calories you need. And google for ideas on calorie dense foods - some ideas given above like peanut butter, nuts, seeds, lean meats, avodado, whole eggs, etc.