Help with exercise ideas?

I'm just starting out - I've never had a gym membership or personal trainer. If someone tells me to do "squat thrusts" I understand, but acronyms and fancy named exercises confuse me. I'm also quite heavy still (324 @ 5'8") and there are a lot of things I'm afraid my body won't do without causing me injury. I'm starting my weight loss by walking 2 miles/day, 3-5 times a week plus trying to reduce my previously huge caloric intake to a more normal I'm thinking I'll need some kind of strength training to keep from losing too much muscle - but I'm a chick so I don't want to add any bulky muscle!

I'm looking for some exercises I can do at home specifically for strength training without using weights or other "gym" equipment. I DO have a 20# and a 30# child, who love to "bounce" on my feet as I do seated leg lifts. I've also used canned goods before for things like bicep curls (my upper body strength is practically non-existent). I'm not opposed to using odds and ends as sustitutes for "real" equipment.

Any suggestions/ideas/advice?


  • heathermsilvey
    I started out at the same height/weight as you (and I'm female as well) and have found success -- I've lost 108 pounds (100 pounds lost in 23 weeks). I found some great strength training/cardio exercises on Youtube. Check out this channel: FitnessBlender. For upper body, try their video entitled, "Upper Body Workouts Without Weights". I'd try to do it twice daily. In addition to that, they've also got a cardio/overall toning video entitled, "Low Impact Cardio Workout for Beginners - Beginner Cardio & Toning Workout Routine" -- and that one really focuses on raising the heart rate and conditioning the muscles in the lower body (with some upper body in there as well).

    Good luck! If you decide to try it, post an update here and let me know what you think!
  • Tiegrsi
    Thanks so much, I will definitely check that out. :)