2 weeks in & feeling discouraged!



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Hi, basically what it sounds like is happening is that you've completely screwed up your metabolism by eating far too little.

    Uh, no.

    She could have eaten literally zero food for those two weeks and still not "completely screwed up" her metabolism.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Try taking a day or two off of the 30DS and doing something else. Also, make sure you are measuring yourself. You could be losing inches instead of pounds.

    ^^ definitely could be gaining muscle right now, your body needs some time to adjust. The scale will never measure how much you have accomplished so far. Just by giving up going out to eat and quiting alcohol is a huge accomplishment. You already have started this, don't give up and make sure you take measurements. I sugest you start keeping a journal, write what you ate, what you thought, what you passed up on, your measurements, your weight, workouts, etc for the day. I take this one day at a time. I always say to myself "just for today" . you will begin to see results. what is the calories mfp allows you before you input exercise?? I am curious on that. It gives me 1200 but I am bigger than you are. Maybe step it up more on your workouts?? or make sure your settings are correct for how active you are lightly active, sedentary, etc. Don't give up, you got lots of support here.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    Try not to feel discouraged. Sometimes things like water retention can obscure the progress you see on the scale. When you start a new exercise program, your muscles retain water to repair themselves. Make sure you're taking measurements as well as weighing. I started off with 30DS as well, and in the very beginning lost inches more quickly than pounds.

    I do want to warn you that you may be overdoing things a bit. There really is no need to exercise seven days a week. Your body needs some time to recover. That plus only eating 1200 calories could make you burn out early on and might cause you to binge at some point, especially if you're used to eating 3500+ calories. Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, then you are netting much lower than 1200 calories, which really isn't healthy.

    I absolutely agree with this.

    Even when the scale wasn't moving for me, or I was gaining and losing the same 2lbs, I still lost a lot of inches. I take measurements every 30 days. I absolutely refuse to weigh myself any more than once a week. I tried a daily weigh in and I was more depressed and discouraged, then motivated. But that's just my own personal experience.

    You're doing great! Give it time. It seems good to take a month to track your progress before you make adjustments.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I am measuring my calories very closely. They aren't 100% accurate but very close to it. I am hoping I'm just retaining water like a few of you have mentioned. But how long before that stops? I'm drinking LOTS of water.

    I will try adjusting my macros. I'm normally way under on the total carbs MFP recommended for me by default. I classified myself as "lightly active". I have a desk job, but I am up & down/running around quite a bit through the day.

    is it set for 1 lb per week or more aggressive? If it's set for anything more than 1 lb per week, it needs to be lowered. I would recommend bumping your activity level to moderate and do not eat back exercise calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Try taking a day or two off of the 30DS and doing something else. Also, make sure you are measuring yourself. You could be losing inches instead of pounds.

    ^^ definitely could be gaining muscle right now, your body needs some time to adjust. The scale will never measure how much you have accomplished so far. Just by giving up going out to eat and quiting alcohol is a huge accomplishment. You already have started this, don't give up and make sure you take measurements. I sugest you start keeping a journal, write what you ate, what you thought, what you passed up on, your measurements, your weight, workouts, etc for the day. I take this one day at a time. I always say to myself "just for today" . you will begin to see results. what is the calories mfp allows you before you input exercise?? I am curious on that. It gives me 1200 but I am bigger than you are. Maybe step it up more on your workouts?? or make sure your settings are correct for how active you are lightly active, sedentary, etc. Don't give up, you got lots of support here.

    Out of technicalities, there is about zero chance the OP gained any muscle.You need a surplus of calories and a good weight training program and even then, most women can only gain 1/2 lb per week. Currently with a calorie deficit and not have an progressive lifting program (30DS is cardio and you barely lift weights greater than a purse) and being a woman, the likelihood of gaining new lean body mass, it almost impossible. But like said earlier, it's going to be water retention.
  • xxxemaxxx
    xxxemaxxx Posts: 29 Member
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why I would lose weight eating more calories when I haven't even lost anything at 1200?

    I always think this too :(
    It is discouraging :(

    Keep with it though. Don't give up!
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    First of all, you are only 2 weeks in. That is for 1) not enough time to know if a program is or isn't working and 2) you ARE NOT gaining muscle in 2 weeks.

    I was 187 and MFP had my calories at 1320 a day and I ate some exercise calories back.
    I am now 172 and MFP now has my calories at 1200 a day. I am losing about 1.5 lbs a week. I run 4 nights a week and strength train 2 nights a week. You need one rest day. If you are just starting any kind of lifting you will retain water, that may be your problem. Give it a month and then regroup if no change.
  • mrscool5
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why I would lose weight eating more calories when I haven't even lost anything at 1200?

    I kinda figure it like this - our bodies are clever S-O-B's. We are genetically "trained" to survive, which means if your body thinks all of a sudden there's a famine going on it shuts down everything it can and tries to keep some "backup." Kind of like those weeks where you're at the end of the paycheck and you're running low on gas so you start coasting a lot, not accelerating fast, not going anywhere if you can help it, etc. so you use as little gas as possible.

    Or you could kinda think of it like a fire - which burns better, a tiny little log or a bunch of wood? Of course you don't want a bonfire, so you have to balance out and find that middle place.

    Also, I think what some folks are trying to say is "bad" about going from 3500 calories a day to 1200 is how sustainable it is. Unless you want to see saw back and forth, you can't just "diet" to get to where you want and then stop eating that way. You'll just end up back in the same place, maybe even heavier. What you have to do is essentially change the way you eat, period. Change your "habits" permanently. Which, trust me, is hard as hell to do. I've been working on that for 20+ years and for the first time I feel like I'm actually DOING it. I'll let you know in a couple more years how it worked, LOL.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why I would lose weight eating more calories when I haven't even lost anything at 1200?

    I kinda figure it like this - our bodies are clever S-O-B's. We are genetically "trained" to survive, which means if your body thinks all of a sudden there's a famine going on it shuts down everything it can and tries to keep some "backup." Kind of like those weeks where you're at the end of the paycheck and you're running low on gas so you start coasting a lot, not accelerating fast, not going anywhere if you can help it, etc. so you use as little gas as possible.

    Or you could kinda think of it like a fire - which burns better, a tiny little log or a bunch of wood? Of course you don't want a bonfire, so you have to balance out and find that middle place.

    Also, I think what some folks are trying to say is "bad" about going from 3500 calories a day to 1200 is how sustainable it is. Unless you want to see saw back and forth, you can't just "diet" to get to where you want and then stop eating that way. You'll just end up back in the same place, maybe even heavier. What you have to do is essentially change the way you eat, period. Change your "habits" permanently. Which, trust me, is hard as hell to do. I've been working on that for 20+ years and for the first time I feel like I'm actually DOING it. I'll let you know in a couple more years how it worked, LOL.

    ^^^Yep! It's called survival instinct. Your body basically thinks you are starving, and is holding on to fat stores to keep you alive during times of famine. Not to mention that even if you were losing weight on this few calories, it is not sustainable. you might lose a weight quickly, but eventually you will gain it back. It's kind of like one of those fad diets. Not sustainable for the long haul. Do your research, figure out your TDEE and BMR, and go by that. Cut 500 cal's, or 20% from your TDEE. It's provided in the link I posted earlier.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    This is why I'm such an advocate of only weighing in once a month. If you are working out hard and your muscles are tearing, they store water to repair themselves.
    Secondly, make sure you count EVERYTHING. One of my friends complained of the same thing so we broke down her diet and I noticed she didn't count coffee creamer or cooking oils...amongst other things. Count it all. Don't even take a bite from your kid's plate without counting it. Everything has calories and they add up fast.
    Lastly, don't buy into the whole Starvation mode crap. You just started, you have fat to lose, if you are doing everything right and you have no medical issues, you WILL lose.
  • amanda31606
    Thank you for all of the great responses & encouragment.

    For whatever reason, I was 3lbs lighter when I got on the scale this morning (same time, every day). Maybe some of the water retention is finally subsiding? Either way, I'll take it!
  • ali1257
    ali1257 Posts: 11 Member
    First off good job for getting motivated and taking action. I won't tell you what to do but what I do....take what you want and leave the rest.

    I was weighing every day and getting so frustrated with not losing, gaining, losing .2 of a lb, gaining and I was exercising most every day.

    Now I weigh weekly. First thing Monday mornings, after pottying and before getting dressed. I ride the stationary bike for my exercise. After a slight heart attack on 8/27 I got very serious about getting healthy. I am down 9.4 lbs since then. Slow and steady wins the race. I agree you may be putting your body in starvation mode. I am allowed 1350 calories and gain back anywhere between 350 and 500 or so calories a day for exercising but am trying hard to stay close to the 1350 #.

    Also, are you drinking plenty of water...that is a big key for me. Sounds funny you need to drink water to lose water weight plus it helps to keep things working in your body. Good luck.
  • rockstar2b66
    How is your sodium intake? I know my body is super sensitive to sodium so I try to really watch that. Also, it's been that time of the month so I haven't lost ANYTHING this week due to bloating. I might have even gained a pound or two from that. I'm in week 3.
  • amanda31606
    I wish I had the self discipline to only weigh myself once a week but unfortunately I don't! I know that's not good for motivation. & I'm due for my TOM any day now... didn't think of that! Maybe that's what was going on.